Import Data To Purchase Cart
Author: Pere R.
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Hi all. Its possible to import data from a csv file for the purchase cart, like EVO 8? how can do it? Thanks a lot
Posted on the
Hello Pere,
actually it's not possible but we'll add it in one of the next updates. We are also working on an export function in order to permit to also edit the products from a CSV file. I'll let you know
Hi Steve.
I think its a very important tool for work efficiently and quickly. In mine case i need to work with more of 200 differents articles... I need the tool.
Another questión, in the new function will be possible to import and export the images too?
Thanks by your answer Steve.
I hope it impatiently.
Hello, what you mean about images? In the CSV file there should be the path for the images and not the image...
How will we be notified that this update is done with the ability to import?
I am thinking I made a big mistake with this software.
V9.0.3.1722 (beta) is now available with the csv import feature. Final release should be out soon, I suppose.
Hi Steve, an all
i'm sorry, obviusly i'm refering to the path, not to de pictures... i'm going to test it.
Thanks a lot
So, How to add the path in the csv file? in what position?
Hi all,
Only import... Can't export?
If I import a table, it rewrite the existent data?
What is the header order/options to import data?
Actually we added the import for NEW products. We already planned to add export and import(update). The import(update) option permits to UPDATE the products that have the same ID. The ID will be visible when you'll use the Export command. I keep you updated about that
How to add the picture path in the csv file? in what header position?
When I import the csv file i have the missage:
...invalid field values line 15...
I need the header structure... some more information please
We will release more info when the version will be published. Please now use the CSV file we created as example here:
Hi All, blank space at the end of the link provided need to be removed to see the file details
When i make the importation process i have the missage
"(Invalid Field Values(Line:1))"
What is wrong in the attached csv file?
Hello Pere, mmm... the Name for each product is missing... anyway let me have the CSV file so I can test it
Ok. How can i send you? the system dont have permission to send "this file type"...
i tested to attech zipped file, directly csv...
How can i sen you the CSV file?
Simply ZIP it
Hi Steve.
Here you have.
Thanks a lot
so, the system says "The filetype you are attenpting to upload is not allowed"...
The same problem if i attempt to sed the CSV file or any other format...
another way to send pou?
sorry, to send you...
sorry,I closedinvoluntarily.
Howcan Ibring youthe CSV file?
As you knowcan notbe attachedto these questions.
Hello Pere, you can simply create a ZIP file of the CSV file, then you can attach it here.
Let me know!
Hi Steve
Ok. here you have it.
Hello Pere,
the problem is that you didn't enter a name for the products. You must enter a name for each product. Moreover the name of the product must be different if the product is present in the same category.
Thanks Steve.
I'm going to work with, thanks very much.
Another question
In the header estructure, what options we have?
Category,Name/Code,Description,PriceOptions, ...
anymore options? (picture path...)
Hello, not now... we are planning to add Import/Export commands too, so we could also think to add other useful data.
Then, for the moment only
Thats correct?
Yes, it's correct. Exactly as the CSV example file we published.
Steve, can you please reupload the CSV file, i want to have it for my reference. Thanks.
Hello Deby, here is the link of the CSV file
I got this error too : "(Invalid Field Values(Line:1))"
I was uploading with blank descriptions, and it didn't work, so put in a dummy description (single letter) and Voila!... it works!