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Steen P.
Steen P.

Language Updating To Danish  en

Author: Steen P.
Visited 708, Followers 1, Shared 35  
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Updating to another language (danish). If I update I get an error: 314 saying something like: "There have been too many inquiries unlock code from your account recently". No, there have not. I am working 3 different places in Europe and have the progam on 3 different computers. 

I am only trying to get Evo9 in my mother tongue. And now I can't use Website at all on my #1 computer. What to do?

How do I come back to the previously installation, if there not are any other way to solve that problem.

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . but you know that with 1 licence only TWO installations are allowed - and only use on 1 PC at same time . . . Wink

So write a new post and set to *private* so that only Inco can read and ask what to do . . .

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Posted on the from Pcssa .