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Ian D.
Ian D.

Email Does Not Work When Published  en

Author: Ian D.
Visited 1327, Followers 1, Shared 33  
Tags: email,working

How do i get email to work when it is published? It works alright in preview but does not work from the web.

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Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Try your different scripts in PREFERENCES and try GET not POST!!

Then you'll see whether it works or not..........

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
Ian D.
Ian D.

Hello, I apologise for being stupid, but been all throughthe site in X5 v9, and I cannot find preferences let alone get or post. please be patient, i am new to this! Many thanks for responding. Cheers

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Posted on the from Ian D.
Claudio N.

Hello Ian,

You can find the software's preferences in the first window shown after you run the program. In the left section there's a menu. The last one is "Settings".

Alternatively you can go at step 1 and then click the "Back" button in the lower right corner of the program window. Wink

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Posted on the from Claudio N.