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Alexander K.
Alexander K.

Title of a pictures. What field have to be completed?  en

Author: Alexander K.
Visited 2053, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Title of a pictures. What field have to be completed?

I send the screenshot of a "picture" object.
1) At reformatting of the project from Incomedia 8 to Incomedia 9 signatures to pictures have got in the field "alternative heading" (альтернативный тек) in inlay "general" (общие). Is it correctly? Is it necessary to write something in the field "heading" (заголовок)? How is it better for indexing?
2) What is it necessary to write in the first and the second fields "heading" in inlay "sitemap" (карта сайта) for the purpose of better indexindg of pictures?

Concerning slow opening of big pages (the previous post). After the last update the problem remained.
1) operative memory of my PC is 4 gbt, processor Intel 3100 ghz, Videocard GeForce 1 gbt, operation system Windows 7 home basic.
Is it not enough of not?
2) How do you recommend to fill the  "options" inlay (appears at an input into the program after the last update) for the purpose of  more faster opening of big pages and of more faster working of the program? Where have I to put ticks?

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Claudio D.

Hello Alexander,

The titel is useful to identify the image for indexing and the alternative titel is used in case if the image is not visible so that the viewer knows what it should be on the picture.

The speed depends on the pages you are opening because if you add images that are not compressed the program needs to render them and to compress them for the preview to simulate the web. It's always good to compress the images to sizes that are good for the web. Usually it's good to keep them under 250kb.

The speed can also depend on softwere that are running in the background and could slow down all the system.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Alexander K.
Alexander K.

"The titel is useful to identify the image for indexing and the alternative titel is used in case if the image is not visible so that the viewer knows what it should be on the picture".

That is, it is necessary to duplicate all signatures to pictures  - to put all signatures from the field "alternative heading" into the field "heading" ? Yes

You didn't answer 2) What is it necessary to write in the first and the second fields "heading" in inlay "sitemap" (карта сайта) for the purpose of better indexindg of pictures?

Or to leave the first and the second fields "heading" in inlay "sitemap"  by empty?

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Posted on the from Alexander K.
Claudio D.

Hello Alexander,

If you want to add custom keywords for a specific page which are different from the main keywords you added already in step 1 then you can add them in Step 2 for the selected page otherwise it's not necessary to fill these fields.

Hope this helps.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.