Continuous audio 
Author: Gabriel Alves G.
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Hello,I would like themain pageof theaudiocontinueits executionon other pageswithout interruption.Setting this up
Posted on the
Hello Gabriel,
You can use the Welcome Page in Step 4 where you will add the audio and then you activate the option "Execute the link in a new Window". In this way the palyer on the Welcome Page will continue to playe while the visitor is browsing the website on another window.
Hope this helps.
- IT )
... una idea alternativa, qui:
ciao KolAsim
Thanks for the tips,I solved theproblem by insertingthe html code belowin the footerof thesite
<-Http://scmplayer.netSCMMusic Player->
<scripttype ="text /javascript"src=""
AFAB-FAGAPTHEWORLD','url':''}]}"></ script>
<-SCMMusic Playerscriptend->
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