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MD Kamrul Hassan
MD Kamrul Hassan

Suggest To Fix/Add 3 Function  en

Author: MD Kamrul Hassan
Visited 1075, Followers 2, Shared 0  

Greetings sir (the development team)

hope you are fine..

however while working with your software I have found 2 issues.. that does not take long time to fix, but will help user a lot.

1. Most important:

may be you noticed or not, most standard windows software has acceleration key (ALT+Key) in dialog box. For example, to simulate the click on apply button, most software use acceleration keys ALT+A, and in the button caption "Apply" "A" is underlined (some time could be invisible and shows up by pressing ALT Key) so, it help user to know which key to use with ALT.

But your software does not have any acceleration keys in any windows :(. I hope I am clear, please sir, work on this ASAP

2. 2nd Most Important:

Your software does not have any shortcut keys. But you also knew that shout cut key helps  user a lot work more faster than usual. For example, now to add a page/level we need to click on "Add Level" or "Add Page" button. But if you could add "Ctrl+N" for level and "Ctrl+P" for Page (just an example) then it would be so great.

3. A bug/issue:

I have found a minor issue, in links page, if you select/use Showbox Gallery, Image list box does not have multiple selection option. So to remove all existing images/files, we need to select each item and click on remove button what is so time consuming.

it's all for now..

however I didn't mean, that this is not a good software. It's a excellent software but you know sir? MOON is very nice to look at but even MOON  has some issues too :) lol

best regards

MD kamrul Hassan

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello MD kamrul Hassan,

Incomedia looks particularly after customer satisfaction and we take careful in consideration all the suggestions made by the users. Daily we dedicate all our efforts to constantly improve our service and products.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
MD Kamrul Hassan
MD Kamrul Hassan

you are more than welcome..

here is another idea/suggestion:

1. Please add destination filed for imported files (specially) for image.

For example. I have put an image in “preview/images/Example” folder named "example.jpg"

and I also use that image in my custom html code (like src="./images/Example/example.jpg"

but if I import that image in your software and export the project (it just move/place that image in “.image folder”. So, to make my custom script to work, either I have to modify my script to use the image in ".image" folder else I have to make duplicate copy in ".image/Example" folder.

that's just waste of server/disk space.

so, it would be so useful option if you can add a new field named "Destination:" for image files. and by default it value could be ".images" folder but user can modify that as they need..

hope I m clear (sorry as my English is not so good)

2. Same image different size and copy:

It's a bug/issue. At leas I think it unnecessary. For example if I add an image that source size is 800x600 and it's placed on a page where its output size is 256x256, on another page ouput size is 400x400, your software create each copy of that same image for each size.. and save at that size. But you can just add "width" and "height" attribute in the img tag! don't you think so?

yes it is necessary if user add any effect/modification to image (for example crop, watermark, blur etc etc).. but if not then it is again just waste of disk space

so, it's better if you can use source image for all different sizes if the image is not modified (added effect) or so..

hope I m clear (sorry as my English is not so good)

hope you guys will consider this too :)

thanks in advance..

best regards

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Posted on the from MD Kamrul Hassan