Payment process step 4 
Author: Sam R.
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In the payment process step 4 in website x5 v10 I cannot change the layout and wording. The Layout is wrong, the pay:buy now button should be above the wording, also the wording is not as I wish. Can anyone help with changes for step4. Grateful for a speedy response. Thank you all
Posted on the
Hello Sam,
Can you please explain me how you would like to have it?
If you want to change the text in the cart steps you can do it in the Language Conten Management Window in Step 1 by pressing the button after the option of the content language.
Many thanks!
Im Sprachzentrum können Sie unter cart_step4 die Texte anpassen.
Das Seitenlayout ist, soweit mir bekannt, nicht veränderbar !
Das Sprachzentrum finden Sie unter 1 - Allgemeine eisntellungen - Sprache - Ikon rechts
google translation:
The Language Centreyou cancustomizecart_step4amongthe texts.
The page layout is, to my knowledge,can not be changed!
The Language Center, see1 - Generaleisntellungen-language-Ikonright
Thank you. I have changed the wording but not the layout, but I will live.