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Mandar V.
Mandar V.

Website in regional languages  en

Author: Mandar V.
Visited 724, Followers 2, Shared 0  

I have one more question which is in my mind since many days.

Can I design websites in regional languages; such as Hondi, Gujarati etc.

I am from India & have assignments to design websites in regional loanguages.

Currently I am using v8 & v9. Is there any option to use indian languages?

Kindly help.

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Mandar Vaidya,

Yes you can can design websites in regional languages. You will need to translate the automatic generated text in the regional languages in Version 9 in Step 1 by clicking the button after the choice of the content language to open the "language Content Management" window where you can add a new language. Version 9 uses the UTF-8 encodinf format which makes it possible to use any language in the websites you want.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.