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Borge H.
Borge H.

V10 versus V9  en

Author: Borge H.
Visited 1344, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hi What are the major advantages of v10 over v9 ?? Regards Borge H

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Borge,

In Version 10 the transition to HTML5 has been completed with the possibility to add videos, which will work also on mobile devices. The Program uses an internal library for the files and images added in the project, so also if you delete the original file, in the program it will be still present. This are just 2 improvements you will immediatly notice in the program.

You can find the full list of improvements here:

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.