Help with website not uploading
Author: Russell F.Hi guys Really hope you can help - I am a complete newbie with computers and websites. I have a car sales website, but I am unable to load new content onto my website. I can use the test function ok, which shows the changes I make have worked, but when I get to the upload to website bit, it starts the upload and at various points throughout the upload I get the following message Error in file export. Check if writing inside the specified folder is allowed. This usually happens 4 or 5 times throughout the upload and the outcome is various things will not have uploaded onto my site. More worryingly is it has now completely stopped working! It still uploads and has those error messages but my website won't load - I just get a message saying: HTTP 403 forbidden if I try to load up my web page Please help! Russ
Hello Russell,
Your 403 error would suggest that the folders on your webserver are not currently configured correctly to allow you to write/upload to them.
Who is your web host? And do they have an online 'control panel' through which you can configure your webspace? If so, try and look for the section which allows you to set 'file and folder permissions' - your host should have help files which you can refer to, or we will try to help you as best we can. I should say at this point that this is almost certainly not an X5 problem as such... nonetheless we are still happy to help!
I know you describe yourself as a 'complete newbie', but if you are able to download and operate an FTP client like 'FileZilla' then it may help you resolve issues like this. Once you are logged in to your web server via the FileZilla interface then you are able to manipulate your web space as easily as dragging and dropping files inside your own computer.
Hope this gives you a starting point in helping to solve your problem.
Best regards,
Hi Paul
Many thanks for the reply - since writing this, I tried re-loading it again and it has now loaded my website back up, but it refusues to load up the page with my cars for sale on.
Excuse my very basic terms here! My web hoster is a company called Talk Talk.
I'm not really sure what has happened, as I usually load new cars up every 2 weeks or so, but this time it just keeps bringing up the above message - one thing I forgot to say is above the error message (But still in the error box) it shows a long selection of words letters and numbers -by the looks of it this is the location of the pitcures of the cars on my computer as it says the name of the folder my pictures are in, and the name of the picture - could there be an issue with my computer not letting the programme take the pictures from these folders?
Thank you!
Hello again Russell,
Would you be able to post a link to your website? I would be better able to advise you if I could confirm beyond all doubt that your web hosting is with TalkTalk: a weblink would help me to do that. TalkTalk do a limited amount of web hosting, but they are more commonly used as an Internet Service Provider.
What version of Website X5 are you using, V8, V9, V10?
Kind regards,