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C. Emilian
C. Emilian

Problem with hyperlink/search in header v10  en

Author: C. Emilian
Visited 1379, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hello, I have this problem with my header. I can't hyperlink anything in the header, it just nothing happening. All the settings are there, everything is fine, its just not "clickable". I tried to do the same on the footer and it worked. The problem seem to be with the header and I tried everything I just can't find out where the problem is. Im using websitex5 v10, the project is imported from v9 but the import went smooth. Also the search field and search button appears to not be clickable. They all look like pictures.. How can I make them work?

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C. Emilian
C. Emilian

Incase anyone wonders. Also some tips could be useful if you people are kind.

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Posted on the from C. Emilian
C. Emilian
C. Emilian

Problem still unsolved :( I need help please..

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Posted on the from C. Emilian
C. Emilian
C. Emilian

Ok so the problem seems to be this: To have my logo on the same level with the buttons, i had to make the menu on top of the header, and then play with menu margins to get buttons on the level i wanted. While doing this, I cannot bring the items in the header to FRONT so they are not usable. I tried to make the menu UNDER the header and play with bottom margins to rise up the button levels on the same level with the logo, but that is impossible.

Any suggestion on this please? I really need to finish this project as soon as possible.

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Posted on the from C. Emilian
Claudio D.

Hello C. Emilian,

I checked the website and saw that the link on the logo works only on the lower part because of the margin settings.

The best option to achieve the menu you would like to have is to create a custom menu in the header and hide the one of the program.

You will need to create the menu images and also the effect for the mouse-over and then add the images in the header and use the link function to link these buttons to the pages in the project.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
C. Emilian
C. Emilian

Thanks Claudio D. 

I worked this out by moving the menu buttons on top, and the search/flags under them.

It works smooth now.

Problem solved, thanks.

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Posted on the from C. Emilian