Author: Zumpano M.Hi there
Good morning, I Have some question regarding
The E-mail Forms in Your latest edition of X5 Version 9.
I have built my website and the everything works fine except the e-mails
I have followed all the information provided from the help menu, plus I have
Checked around the forum to solve this issue but no success
In some help forum someone made some suggestion that this problem is caused about the server
That doesn’t have some latest technology, however since I am not an engineer I have included below
Some details about my server PHP.
Account .
Bandwidth Allotment: UnlimitedView usageDisk Space Allotment: 10,000 MBView usage
View usage
Search Engine Visibility:
Analyze my site Free Trial
SSL Status:
Purchase SSL Certificate
Add userAdmin User Name: dami3806
Password: ********Change
Hostname: damichelekagurazaka.com
DNS Manage
Primary Domain DNSView
Database MySQL: 0 of 10Set up
MSSQL: 0 of 1Set up
Server IP Address: OS/Hosting Type: Windows / 4GH Web Hosting
Hosting Configuration:
.Net Runtime Version: ASP.Net 4.0
PHP Version: PHP 5.2
IIS Version: IIS 7.0
Data Center: AP Regional
Absolute Hosting Path:
please have a look and advice accordingly on how I can
Get around about this annoying issue. Beside i can say that, when I go on my website
fill up the form and hit send, it looks like is sending the information to the recipient e-mail
but when I open the recipient e-mail to check the mail then no message is in it ever.
Best Regards
Maurizio Zumpano
Hello Maurizio,
please go into the ''preferences section'' and change the email form script type. Test the last two and let me know if the problem is solved. Thank you.
i have tried earlier before this post to change the 3 options however
there is no result. please help me with this issue i need to notify customers the new web page and since this is a restaurant under this busy season eventually clients would like to book, and if form is not working, i can not get any business i suppose.
Thank You
. . . seems to be another *godaddy-problem* - try using a *free-hoster* to check . . .
hi there
do you suggest to ceck with go daddy for the issue???
Is this a problem with GoDaddy or the mail php forms that we use here? I do have older clients on GoDaddy that work fine with the previous versions of WebSiteX. However the new version 9 does not seem to work under GoDaddy using any of the email preference options. We cant just tell clients to host else where and not support GoDaddy business, they are here to stay. Can Incomedia verify that this is an issue with GoDaddy servers or the form mailer php's? And if so, is there a work around?
I am testing this out now, so maybe I can run some tests for you and hopefully get something resolved and spread the answer. Unfortuanetley, turning the other cheek is not an option.
It seems the Low Level post script works half-way. The sender does receive an email back, but there is nothing on the server end (whom sent it). Its not a free account (yahoo, hotmail, etc.).
Good morning!
GoDaddy uses IIS as server therefore you probably have particular email settings.
Moreover your emails could be added directly into the spam folder. Do you have more news Brian? Do you think you could give me more details regarding this issue?
Well not exactly. I just used their gdForm.php. I didnt code for the CSV attachment or the return email to function. Didnt matter to the client, but basically just do this:
then just swap out the "Name" ie:
...with the label name you used (or whatever you want)...
name="First Name"
... now the email has...
First Name: Sharp Data
..instead of...
imObjectForm_2_2: Sharp Data
This should help somewhat.
Incomedia I can send you the php form that GoDaddy uses if you want...
Yes Brian, please do. Thank you!
Sorry, havent been on in a while. Here it is!!!