Display A Spreadsheet 
Author: Sam M.
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Can I, and how do I, show a spreadsheet (MS Excel) - typically 1 page - using Compact 9.
I am currently evaluating Website X5 from the free download with a view to puchase and one of my main requirements is the display of several spreadsheets (4 minimum). Obviously the free download is very limited and my experiments to show a spreadsheet have failed. Your help would be appreciated!
Roy P.
Posted on the
you can insertan Excelfrom an objectHTML&Widgets.I suggest youusenow the widgetPPTfile andof enter the pathof yourxls file.
Attempting to display a spreadsheet using Compact 9 and Windows 7: Using the PPT widget, when the path to the xls file is inserted and OK is clicked, the File Download "Run/Save" dialogue box opens, cancel that. "<!--Documents.PPT File: Start-->" etc is in the editor. Click OK and returns to "current page" which indicates that the page is loaded - plain blue. Open Preview and file dialogue open/save box appears again. "Open" makes the file appear outside the preview pane. Clear the dialogue box and the preview pane is empty!
I would really appreciate your help.
I have tried saving my xls file in pdf format and using the the PDF widget, when everything appears OK except the file does not appear on the website after uploading and there is no comment from the PDF upload engine.
you try to insert widget PPT file in your object HTMl & Widgets and copy here your HTML code which it is generated automatically. We try to change HTML code for files with extension *.xls or *.xlsx. What is your extension file Excel?
Hi, Luca S. The Excel extension file is *.xls. Inserting this *.xls path in the Widget - PPT File URL path results in the Download "Run/Save" dialogue box appearing when OK is clicked.
Thanks for your continued help!
If you have problems with view you send us the HTML code which is generated with inserted Widget. The html code you see in the editor of object HTMl & Widgets.
Hi Luca S.
HTML code copied from editor as follows: (The format has changed but the content is same)
<!-- Documents.PPT File: START -->
<iframe src=
"C:\Users\Roy\Documents\Roundbellies\WINTERCOMP2011-12.xls"scrolling="no"frameborder="0"style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:350px;"allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
<!-- Documents.PPT File: END -->
Roy P.
Think you should try to use the pdf widget, instead, for an Excel file converted to pdf. I've used it a lot and it works fine. Only restriction: for the pdf to be seen by your visitor, Adobe Reader plugin is required. Not a big deal, easy to find, and free.
Thanks, BmT 3000. I tried that but the website page is blank but no "IE can not display this page" etc. so I think the page is there, just that it is blank???? I have Adobe Reader installed.
Roy P.
Can you see the pdf file in this page, from one of my website ?
It's an excel spreadsheet converted to pdf and installed in pdf widget.
Thanks, B. Yes I can see that spreadsheet OK. I've just tried the pdf route again and everything is fine including the preview, but the website page is still blank, but no "The program can not display the page".
Thanks for your continued help
Roy P.
Ok, I've checkek out the source code of your page and I think I found the problem. Your pdf widget is trying to open a file that is on your C: drive, which is incorrect.
The pdf page should be on your server. Re-open the pdf widget in V9, click on the Expert tab, then on Add..., locate your file on your c: drive, then click OK.
When exporting your website on your server, your pdf will be sent to the deafult /files folder, on the server. So, you have to change the path in the HTML code. Click on the HTML code tab, and change the code that read for:
<iframe src="C:\Users\Roy\Documents\Testsheet"
for :
<iframe src="http://www.roundbellies.co.uk/files/your_pdf_file.pdf"
Of course, replace your_pdf_file.pdf with the correct filename.
Re-export. It should work. Just let me know of the results.
Hi, Bernard. The first problem I have with that is I can not find the Expert tab - is that something I don't get with Compact 9?
In the version of WebSite X5 Compact 9 isn't present the tab Expert of object HTML & Widgets. You should try to upload your file pdf in the path "files" of your web server.
Roy, since I dont have the Compact version, but the Evolution one, I was not aware that the expert tab feature was not available in the version you own. Sorry. Try uploading the file manually, using FileZilla or any FTP Client software, to the /files folder, on your server.
Hello Roy,
Alternatively, if is inconvenientto work so, maybe,you canbuy an upgradefromWebSiteX5Compact 9 to WebSite X5 Evolution 9.
Thanks again Bernard & Luca. I'm familiar with File Zilla - used it for the earlier version of the website. Tried it again for new website with no success. Althought the content is on the html web pages in - C:\Users\Roy\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v9 - Compact\New Roundbellies - it does not transfer to the website.
Seriously considering Luca's suggestion but it seems an expensive alternative!
Are you able to connect to your server using FileZilla ?
Yes, connects OK and goes through the motions of uploading, even saying "file already exists"
So your pdf file is already on your server ? Then simply modify the path, as described earlier, so that the pdf widget is able to find it.
Modified the path as described - now doesn't even preview but "file not found"
Hello Roy. Here is what I get for the pdf widget when i look at the source code of your Winter competition page:
<!-- Documents.PDF File: START --><iframe src="C:\Users\Roy\Documents\Roundbellies\WINTERCOMP2011-12.pdf" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:350px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><!-- Documents.PDF File: END -->
Have you uploaded your website, after modyfing the code ? The code i found stills points to a file on your HD, and it should point to a file on your server.
Sorry Bernard, but I had changed it back! Have now modified the path as above on Winter Competion only and uploaded the complete site . At least I get "Webpage cannot be found" instead of the blank page as before.
It looks like the upgrade to Evolution 9 is inevitable.
Not yet, Roy. This error message means that you pdf file, WINTERCOMP2011.pdf, cannot be found at the location http://www.roundbellies.co.uk/files/
Use Filezilla and check 1) That the files folder exist on your server and 2) that the WINTERCOMP2011.pdf file is present in the files folder.
If not, make the necessary corrections.
Then make sure that there are no mismatch between your pdf file name and the code in the pdf widget. Try using only lowercase characters in the filename and in the code, to prevent any typo error.
You're almost there, Roy !
What is the files folder? I have following file folders - admin,gallery,menu,pcss,res,style and upload then a set of HTML files reflecting the various website pages.
I might be getting out of my depth now but will keep trying. Hope I'm not testing your patience too much!
I have uploaded WINTERCOMP2011.pdf but that hasn't helped
Mnay Thanks
"files" folder is a folder created on your server by Website X5 to store and retreive some files, useful for your website. I'ts not always present on the server. Using Filezilla (or WX5 FTP Client if your Compact version permits it), create a new folder called files and upload your pdf file in that folder.
You're in no way testing my patience,
Getting nearer, Bernard! Created files folder with pdf file in it and uploaded to website with Filezilla, checked it is there. Website shows "Webpage can not be found" but in X5 the page loads OK in preview.
You can't get any closer than that ! I see you pdf file, in your page, on your website ! Good job ! Now you only need to adjust the height of the HTML code object to gain some room for the pdf file.
And for you other file:
For the Summer Blob competition, there is an error in the file name. The extension is repeated: http://www.roundbellies.co.uk/files/SUMMERBB2011.pdfpdf
Bernard, many many thanks for all your help. Not only is the website OK but I've learnt a few things about websites and X5 (and saved the cost of the upgrade!).
Despite my problems I think X5 is great and simple to use (maybe not spreadsheets) even for the older generation (69).
Again, thank you, Bernard
No problem, my friend ! I was glad to help. Feel free to post again, in a new message, if you need help on something else.
Regards and have fun building your website.