Export after small change 
Author: Fred S.
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If I want to export the site after applying one minor change on one of the pages it takes more than 20 minutes before something starts to happen. After the command export website it shows Page creation and process stopps at homepage 10 %. I can send a screenshot if you want. Still the website is not exported but the whole site is passing by and then the question comes Do you want to export only the modified page ? Please help as this is so annoying. Kind regards Fred
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Hello Fred,
Firstly can you tell us what version of the software you are using?
The version is shown on the 'splash screen' which appears when first loading WebSite X5. It can also be found by clicking on the arrow to the left of the 'Help' option on the menu at the top of the X5 screen, then selecting 'About WebSite X5' from the drop-down menu which appears.
Can you also post a link to your website?
Best regards,
Hello Paul, thanks for your quick response
The website ishttp://www.bcdinkeldal.nl The version is and license was purchased 29-8-2008
Kind regards
Many thanks Fred,
What changes did you make to your site immediately prior to this problem appearing?
Have you changed webhosts recently?
Is there anything at all which you can think of that has been altered or added, either to your WebSite X5 project, or to the configuration of your web server?
Have you made any changes to your anti-virus software or firewall recently?
Best regards,
Hello Paul,
I did not change the site recently but the described problem has been there since the beginning.
I changed webhost recently but as stated, this problem has always been there and was never solved by your company, but in the last years the site is growing larger, thus it takes longer to start the exporting procedure, but 20 minutes to make a one sentence change ??
Antivrius is Avast and Microsoft firewall have not changed
Kind regards
Ah, I see Fred... it does sound like a very frustrating problem.
I should point out that I don't work for Incomedia... I'm just a regular user like yourself.
Have you asked Incomedia for support on this issue in the past? If so, what was their response?
I'll mark this post for the attention of the support staff as an official reply would probably be more useful than anything else I could contribute.
Kind regards,
Sorry Paul, no offense.
Of course I mentioned this to Incomedia but I never received a solution for the problem, probably to an Italian language problem at Incomedia but this might have changed in due course.
I checked once more but I have the program since 2003
What can I do more ??
Hello again Fred,
I suggest we wait for Claudio or one of the other Incomedia support staff to respond in due course.
Kind regards,
OK I'll wait.
Curious how long this will take.
Thanks for helping sofar
Kind regards
Hello Fred,
Can you please tell me what Windows do you have and also check if the same issue happens with another project?
Try to create a new project which you export on a subfolder on your hosting server as test.
If this happens to a new project too, please try to uninstall the program and then proceed to install it again.
Please keep me updated.
Hello Claudia,
Windows operating system XP SP 3.
I will do as suggested but I cannot find my license number anymore so can I install the program again without this number ?
I purchased the programm/license in 2002/2003 Do you still have it ?
Kind regards
Hello Claudio, sorry I mentioned "Claudia "
in my previous post.
I started a new project but did not upload to it my host, but started testing . No problems.
I started testing the existing project and it stopped at the homepage after 10 %.
I removed the GIF pictures ( all moving) one by one with the same bad result.
Only when I removed all of them the page showed itself after a few seconds, so the GIF's seem to cause the problem.
What can I do to solve this ?
Kind regards
Hello again Fred,
Just a thought... where are the GIFs stored? Are they on the local drive, or are they on a network drive, external drive, or USB drive, etc?
Is your issue confined to GIFs only? Or do you have trouble with JPEG's, PNG's?
Kind regards,
Hello Paul,
GIF's are taken from Internet and after that put in a local file.
No problems with JPEG's os PNG's.
Kind regards
Hello Fred,
It would be usefull to see these gif files because probably some of themcould be the cause and by identifying which ones it can be seen what it getting in conflicht with the program.
Many thanks!