X5 Pro "the given path's format is not supported" 
Author: Martine Bertin
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When exporting the website to disk I got this: "It is not possible to complete the export (the given path's format is not supported)".
My path is H:\LPPCPC
What is wrong there?
Thanks for any help,
Best regards,
Posted on the
Hello Martine,
Can you browse to that location (H:\LPPCPC) using Windows Explorer, without any issue?
What type of drive is your H: drive? (network drive, portable hard drive, USB drive, CD/DVD, etc.)
Do you have sufficient free space on the medium to accomodate the X5 project file?
Do you have administrative rights to access the drive in question?
Kind regards,
Hi Paul,
Yes, I have no issue with this drive and uses it for backup purposes. This an USB extern hard drive, 2 TB, 900 GB free.
Yes I have administrative rights to that drive and to the folder/sub directory. I already checked this.
I tried to export to another HD in my system (no USB), same issue.
Thanks a lot for your antwoord
PS: My PC runs under Windows 8,
Hi Martine,
I will ask Claudio from Incomedia for his assistance and support with this issue.
I cannot think of a valid reason why you are unable to write to that drive. There is obviously a problem with the path name, but just why that is the case... I don't know.
In the meantime thanks for your patience whilst we wait for Claudio to respond.
You could perhaps try exporting to a different folder on the H: drive in the meantime (if you have not already done so)... just to see if we can get a greater understanding of what is causing difficulty.
Best regards,
Hi Paul,
I tried to export to the root directory, H:\, same result.
This is not so important for me, I can wait.
Thanks for your hulp,
Best regards
Hello Martine,
Please try to start the program with the right click as Administrator and then try agai nto export it.
Can you please also tell me what file system is used on your external drive, as ex. fat32, ntfs?
Many thanks!
Bonjour Claudio,
Starting as an administrator didn't help. Same result when trying to "export the Website to disk".
But "Export the project" happens without any problem .
The files system used on all my hard drives, USB HD included, is NTFS.
Thanks to you
Hello Martine,
It seems to depend on the permissions since the NTFS filesystems has this option and probably this is not allowing to save the HTML files on it.
Please try to follow the advice on following link on the second entry to see if this helps:
Please keep me updated.
Hello Claudio,
I had already tried this solution, And I had already tried on another intern HD.
The permissions for the extern drive are set to full for everything on it. It is a 2TB disk and this take a little time to complete.
I tried also on my D: drive (SSD intern) and on my F: drive (IDE intern on which I also set full control). And I got the same result.
I was planning to try on an USB stick, but did not have time to do it yet. I will keep you updated.
Thanks for your help.
Hello Claudio,
The solution is to make a local publish directory in small letters, not capital.
H:\LPPCPC did not work, H:\lppcpc did work.
Thanks for your help
Best regards
Hello Martine,
Thank you very much for informing us about it.
Many thanks!