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Robert M.
Robert M.

Website X5 crashes  en

Author: Robert M.
Visited 478, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hi all, I have been using Website X5 software since over three years, starting with the 8. I then upgraded to 9, and upgraded to 10 several months ago. Since then I encounter constant crashes whilst editing - whats up ?? its getting to the stage that I'm considering changing to other software. I need answers - can anyone help me? Thanks.

Posted on the
Samantha M.

Hello Robert,

I need more details in order to help you. Do you receive any error messages? if you o, could you please add a screenshot? Are you using your program as administrator? Please right click on the program icon, then select ''use as administrator'' then start your program and let me know. Did you change anything in your computer?
Please give me all the information you can.
Thank you!

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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Robert M.
Robert M.

Hello Samantha, I've selected "use as administrator" and the problem persists. This happens on both my main PC and laptop, and only since I upgraded to 10. I deleted NET 4, cleaned per suggested procedure in this forum and re-installed it - there was no improvement. Most crashes happen when previewing although it also happens whilst editing. As I said, this happens only since I upgraded to 10. Thanks Rob

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Posted on the from Robert M.
Robert M.
Robert M.

Hello Samantha, pleae find attached a screen shot of preview crashing. Regards Rob

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Posted on the from Robert M.