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Suzanne M.
Suzanne M.

Making changes to my website  en

Author: Suzanne M.
Visited 1332, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I successful loaded my website in July 2013. This is the first time I am trying to upload amended pages it appears to load all the files and comes back with the page to say that has uploaded but no new/amended pages appear.

I've kept all my settings the same. I've uploaded the whole website again, I've cleared my cache, I've switched off firewall. Still no new changes.

Any suggestions please - thanks

Posted on the
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

I found that I simply had to refresh the page to see the changes, although a couple of times it took a while for the hosting servers to update it.

Are you sure you put the files into the correct folder when uploading? It should be something like "httpdocs" (NOT httpsdocs).

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Posted on the from Wayne B.
Suzanne M.
Suzanne M.

Hi when I first uploaded I didn't need a destination folder, is this something I should be using now? If so I may hit a brick wall as my host didn't know what that may be the last time I appraoched them


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Posted on the from Suzanne M.
Claudio D.

Hello Suzanne,

If you need to upload it a specific destination folder it depends on the hosting server you are using. They can inform you if you need to use a folder or not.

Can you please write me the link to the website and a screenshot of how it should appear?

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.