X5 V. 10 Professional Crash
Author: Sandro Landucci
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Hi is any one find a problem with X5 10 Professional install on Windows 8.1? my one crash all the time. Very slow on start and on save file, in upload most the time it never refresh the old file on server, and crash and it took so long to start.
any help?
Posted on the
windows 8 is a disaster! its only good for tablets.
So are you suggest to go back on windows 7? are you sure is going to be better
Hi Sandro, I use Windows 8.1, it does have the occasional hiccup but works OK for me.
Try holding the ctrl key down and clicking the 'Preview' button. This seems to fix a lot of the speed problems with both versions of V10. It seems that 'something' gets corrupted somewhere. This cleared both local speed and upload problems for me.
Yes Sandro, I will suggest you to go back to win7, its not just webx5, there are many other program that they have some hiccups with win8, the main reason for microsoft was to make their program touchpad friendly and app friendly since android was eating them alive, but they lost many thing along the way.
I know many ppl using win8, if you only surf internet and check your facebook or other social media account, its perfect , if you are a developer or using pro programs, that is not a right OS for you, hands down win 7 is the best so far.
Thanks Anthony and nigel for your advise, I'm know install windows 7 Pro, 32 Bit what do you raccomend 64 or 32? I got both.
But for now is seems working fine with Win7 32bit, I will install my buckup and see how the go.
Thanks again, I will post the result.
Hi Anthony,
as i said on my previus post, I will try to downgrade from Win 8 to 7. Know I still find the same problem and to be onest? Even wors then win 8.1
I format complety my HD, instal a Win 7 profetional and WebSiteX5 10 Pro, and nothing alse, no other program like office or photoshop ect... well it keeping freeze took at least 5 - 7 minute to open the program and once is ben open I click on my project I need to waite another 7 - 10 Minute with (NO RESPONSE WAIT), I start to work and upload my file nothing is been change on my actualy server. the program show me the changes but on line when I do the SEO engine to see what alse I need to do to improve my site.
It still show me Meta Description Meta Keyword and so on the same as previus NO CHANGE AT ALL.
I try to install on my Mac, the same problem 7 to 10 minute to startup.
We need to investigate on that program vers. 10 Pro, is not a cheap one it cost me £ 180 + and I'am really disapoint for all the work I done, I cant see beter resolt.
With my Evolution 8 no problem at all.
Any suggestion?
I work with win7 ultimate 64 bit, sometimes there are some hiccups when I work on heavy pages like my portfolio (ex. takes 30 sec to show my preview). but there is no problem to uploading, opening or closing program.
also I have norton internet security suite which will slow my pc a little, it's constantly checking for viruses. as far as other developers programs, you name it, I have it, like adobe product Ps,AI,Ae,Au,Fl,Br,Pr,Dw,Id and they are all cs5.5 and cs6!
normally when I work with webx5 I have 3 other program open at the same time, photoshop and Illustrator to work on graphic parts and microsoft word for spell check.
with all of these, my cumputer is not new, right now there are 8 core and 16 core cpu's out there, mine is 4 core: 2.80ghz AMD phenom II x4 925.
by the way, did I tell you I hate intell processors? lol just puting it out there ;)
what is your cpu and how much ram do you have on your pc?
I Anthony, I agree to hate Intell processor? I am allway use AMD infact the computers I use now is AMD Vision, 2.8ghz with 16Gb memory DDR3. and also I got iMac Intel 5 with 4Gb Memory on it.
To be onest I hate windows, because allways do update and evrytime is not stable as operating system, just to give you a esample esplore 11, is absoluty rubbish lots pop up coming and so on, I am really fedup with win update and lots changes without result.
But my problem is my evolution 8 vy is ks perfect on my system doese matter how heavy is my portfolio it never ungup. But new Professional 10 is freeze all the time even on strat up the program, after the program start as soon I clik on my project is freeze again for another 10 Minute. I think they need sort it out on this program.
It's really frustrating wen you spend lots money for that program and it dosen't work properly. Dont you think?
There's a bug or a big issue we need to address on this program.
I dont know what to tell you, I never experienced crash like that, it happened 1 or 2 time, when I was trying to see the preview of my pages, other than that, on start up or other thing not at all. I dont really know what can cause such thing, since it is not happening for half of the people and happening to other half,lol
did you install win 7 64 bit? if not try that one, mine is 7 ultimate 64 bit, see maybe 64 bit will fix your issue.
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