Problem with Visuallightbox galery - site menu is on the top !?? 
Author: Gorg ..
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I put Visuallightbox galery on one of my page but site menu is on the top when I show larger image!?? See attachment belove!!!
Site is
How to solve this problem, that is big problem for me now !!
Thanks in advance!!
Posted on the
you can create the same gallery with gallery object in webx5 instead of vlightbox, if you customized your gallery object it will look the same as your vlightbox. what you see it causes by vlightbox!
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Hi Anthony,
I cant create gallery like this in WSX5 with mouse over efect on thumbs, and ShowBox in X5 have *old fashion* design to...I'd be happy if I could make this gallery in X5...
I post this idea for a 3 years ago, but nothing ..
How to solve this problem where lightbox goes under the main menu of my site when enlarge image?
Thanks in advance,
problem is the big view (large image) of the pictures, on big view they follow your scroll, if you make them to be fix in their place, they will no longer stay behind your main menu.
if this post solved your issue, please mark my post as currect answer.
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Ok, but when I create gallery in X5, and enlarged image is same as this in lightbox, this shows OK, over main menu!?
I think that size of enlarged pic. is not a problem, but dont know what is, and how to fix it !?
Any other idea for problem....
Hello Gorg,
It seems to depend on the z-index value of your custom code. You need to increase it so it will appear in front of all other elements on the website.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
where to find z-index and what value is Ok to set (10...1000....)
HI Dear
which virgin you have ? let me know maybe i can help you
set it to 10000 or 20000.
you can find it in one of the css files that blongs to vlightbox, if they didn't set the z-index at all, you have to add it to their css file.
if you put back your test page, I would be able to look into it and tell you where is it exactly.
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Hi Anthony, here is link to test page:
Thanks in advance !!!!
Here is all test files for this gallery,
thanks again!!
Ups, file isnt upload here....
here is now
see if it works now
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Hi Anthony, i just download .zip and try ti later...
Meanwhile, i try to find where is problem, and find: when menu.css value from z-index is 100 everything works fine ( I talk for file who is generated by WSX5v10)
How to set (in header section or etc.) some code to change menu z-index after every upload via WSX5 ftp to 100....
I change that value manualy now , but I have 10 gallerys, and I must update photos every 1-2 week...
Thanks in advance,
inside your light gallery there are different z-indexs that need to be set, that creates the orders inside your gallery, use the file I customized for you and let me know the result.
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