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Ferry van der Kaaij
Ferry van der Kaaij

Unregistered version  en

Author: Ferry van der Kaaij
Visited 1256, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Build a website with a corrupt version who somebody installed on my pc.

We are a charity organisation en he told it was free software but this week we had unregistred version all over the website.

I seached for the problen on the x5 website and found the problem, illegal version.

The solution was to buy a legal version and load the old file and it would be fixed.

Our website was the face of out organisation so it was impotant to keep this design so aldough we didnt have the budget we bought a proper version.

Today i loaded the old file in the new version but the template was differend, pictures gone, pages gone, all text gone and the used template is not in this version.

Tryed to go to the download site to search for it but the website is not working.

The money we spend is comming out of the budget we have to help people so not so happy at the moment and regret this buy, also because a company offered to build a proffesional website but we choose this buy to keep the design.

Posted on the
Stefan M.
Stefan M.

Iemand installeert een illigale versie van website X5 op jou pc? En wat is nou precies je bedoeling? 

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Posted on the from Stefan M.
Stefan M.
Stefan M.

Zo te lezen staat je website ook al online, kan je is de URL posten?

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Posted on the from Stefan M.
Stefan M.
Stefan M.

Heb even gezocht neem aan dat het om gaat?

Watvoor versie was de illigale versie? (sowieso niet slim om een illigale versie te nemen he )

Ik neem aan dat je de website (je oude website) niet in een bestand heb met de extensie iwzip? (Dat je deze website geexporteerd heb via website X5)

Ik denk toch echt dat je opnieuw kan beginnen met het ontwerpen aangezien je niet met een legale versie aan de slag was gegaan! 

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Posted on the from Stefan M.
Ferry van der Kaaij
Ferry van der Kaaij

My excuses, i didnt load the proper file, i cant find it anymore so going to build a new website but still the template download website is not available .

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Posted on the from Ferry van der Kaaij
Stefan M.
Stefan M.

Template zou je idd ook opnieuw moeten bouwen, aangezien je niks heb.

Had je website en de template toen ook zelf gemaakt of? 

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Posted on the from Stefan M.
Stefan M.
Stefan M.

Aangezien het voor een stichting is wil ik je wel helpen.

Stuur even een mailtje naar: ***

Neem morgen dan wel even contact met je op!

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Posted on the from Stefan M.
Stefan M.
Stefan M.

Mail weigert die ummhhh bekijk mijn website even, en dan onder contact! 

Website vindt je door op me profiel te klikken!

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Posted on the from Stefan M.
Claudio D.

Hello Ferry van der Kaaij,

Try to follow this advice to remove the "unregistered Version" from your website:

Uninstall all Incomedia WebSite x5 programs installed like the Free and Demo Versions, and then delete the installation folder present in Program files. When these folders are deleted, proceed to delete also the licence.iwl files in the WebSite X5 folders in AppData\Local\Incomedia\ and then download the most updated version from your profile in the "Downloads" section.
You will need to deactivate the antivirus and firewall and then run the installer, with the right click option, as administrator.
Follow the registration procedure and once installed, run the program again as administrator with  the right click option.
When the program starts, open the project and then reload all image by pressing CTRL + Preview.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.