Opening new website from any page 
Author: Phillip Leeder
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I have just uploaded my new website to replace an existing one.
I have found that the new version will only open if I load the home page first or change pages to the home page from an old version page.
Can anyone please let me know what I have not done to allow any new version to open no matter page I land on?
Posted on the
Did you press ctrl-F5 when viewing your website after upload? This refreshes your old links and info that is still on your drive.
it could be that your pc, pick's part of your site from memory from your pc.
Hi Andre,
Yes I did, this happens from my other computers also.
It works fine if i go straight to the home page as mentioned.
It's normal behavior that if you change the page name or make a different one that the old one does not work anymore.
There are solutions but before that I need to know what you see if you use an old page link.
I can see only the new links offcource. Do you have an old link for me ?
Can you make a screenshot of what you get on your pc?
I will try an explain again the situation.
I created a web site using an older version of WebX, this was fine.
I created a new web site using WebX10 and uploaded it.
It works fine.
Both web sites are on the same address, I thought that the old web site would automatically be over written by the new site.
The problem is that unless I access the new web site directly by typing in Anglia Fire Assessments I always land on an old web site page.
if I for instance type in 'fire training in Norwich' I land on an old page.
Once I am on the old web site page if I then click on the home page I open up the new web site and that works fine.
What I need to know is how to stop the old web site opening at all, I want any visitors to only see the new web site.
Do I have to completely delete the old web site off my computer or what.
You must be able to let me know how to get round this issue.
Heres hoping.
Yes, Offcource, I can...
If you copied the new over the old, most of the old site will remain.
What you need to do is connect to your host, delete all the files of old and new website.
Then upload the new site. After refresh (ctrl-F5) you should get an error on the old adres and if you enter the new webadres you should see that one.
Hope this helps.
I am sorry but I do not know what you mean when you say 'connect to your host'.
Hello Phillip,
Andre means you need to use an ftp client and there enter the ftp data to connect to your hosting space and then delete all the content.
Once done you can upload then the whole project again online.
Many thanks!
Sorry but this means nothing to me.
What I require is a simple no jargon guide for me to follow.
I bought this programme as it is advertised as being simple, it si turning out to be far from that.
Why is it that it just does not overwrite the existing one?
Here is still hoping!!
There is nothing wrong with your website Phillip. Like these guys have been trying to tell you its an issue with your machines cache. I entered your site from several different pages using 4 browsers. They all loaded properly.
If refreshing you page or clearing your cookies dosent help how your site looks on your end. Then the alternative these guys are offering is to re-upload your site.
Hope that was plain enough to give you an understanding of possible solutions. A couple of key rules I go by when designing with X5 are;
Hi Tim,
Thank you for that info, I will try and see what i can do.
I will start by deleting what is left of my old site on the computer, I will make a copy of the new site for updating purposes.
I will clear any temporary inetrnet files.
As I have tried to explain I have a limited knowledge of this type of task but I was hoping to just be able to overwrite the old site. Watch this space and thanks for taking the time to try and help me.
You still need to do the last point of Tim's message, wich is the same thing as mine and Claudio's post.
Let me take you step by step there.
You have your new project that you want to update to your site open it and goto step 5 export.
select upload to internet, click next.
select uploud all files in upload mode. click next
Now you are connected with your host and you have a standard map where you upload your website, this is what we mean. -> select the map where you upload your site to if you are not already inside that map. (usally something like hht_docs) but this is slightly different for website host companys where you are now connected to.
If you are in the correct map select the first map or file (probably admin or captcha or files) depends a bit on your website. goto the last file and press your shift button and select the last file. Now all files should be selected.
This is your old site and your new site so in short all files. use the delete button on top and delete them all.
You should be inside the httpdocs file and it should now be empty.
click start for uploading your new project / website.
After upload visit your website, see that you press ctrl-F5 and check if it looks good now.
To make a backup:
in step 5 it is also possible to make a backup if you wish in case something happens to your pc or harddrive.
Make regular kopy of important project to a memory stick or other medium by using export the project.
Hi Andre,
Thanks for the info, I have understood what you are telling me and I have recognised the various files.
Are you saying that I should delete all the folders and files that I can see on the page or just the files that are in the captcha or admin folders?
No, not files in captcha, all maps and files from the folder where you can see the captcha folder.
So the captcha folder all the other folders, all the other files, then start new upload.
If you change some items you don't need to this every time, or do just an update, but major changes in website or a totally different one then you need to think about it.
just some small explanation. and examples for futere use.... :)
See this folder from your hosting companay a little bit as a folder for your mp3 player.
if you have a new mp3 player and add 5 songs you have 5 songs, if you add another 3 you have 8 the old 5 and the new 3, if you wish to have only the latest 3 and you added them earlyer you need to delete them all and upload the latest 3.
for mp3 you can offcource figure out what the latest where and then delete the others but with websites this is more comlex, so this is the easy way...... (delete all and upload again.)
Your webhost is about the same, you can create a folder there and upload a test project as well to the test folder, you can then acces it on internet using your standard webadres with the folder name behind it.
For the above idea name the folder test, send a project to that folder, you can then acces this site with:
Best Regards,
Thanks Andre,
I will have a go.
Hi, I need help again sorry.
I deleted my old web site as directed but despite emptying all the folders some would not allow me to delete them.
The folders that remained on the map were:
I uploaded a fresh copy of my new web site and was told that the specified folder already contained files that would be overwritten, I said ok.
The web site went through the process of uploading and I was told that the process had been completed.
When I tried to access the site I am now told that access is denied 403.
I pressed ctrl F5 to refresh but nothing changed.
Where do I go from here as I now do not have a working site.
Update, I have spoken to my ISP web host and they discovered a broken link, I can now access the home page and scroll through the pages of the new web site.
What cannot happen is to access the web site if you type in a query such as 'fire training in Norwich' when things are working okay that command would give you alist of hits on Google and when you clicked on the hut you would go straight to the relevant page.
I am still getting a error 404 for all pages so there is a problem.
Any help please?
Further update,
I have managed to resolve the problem, there were page names on my new site that did not match the original ones that google was remembering.
I have renewed all the names/links and we are good to go.
Thank you for your help.