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Stefan U.
Stefan U.

Website in Chinese  en

Autor: Stefan U.
Visitado 1214, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

I built a website in Chinese for my translation service, URL: Because in Website X5 Evolution 12 Chinese is not included in the "languages of the website", I added a new language, named it "ZH - Chinese" and imported the content of the English version. Then I renamed some tags like "submit" or "reset" into Chinese "提交" and "重置", all the other tags were left in English because they don't appear on the website. Then I selected "ZH - Chinese" as "Language of the website". And as expected, "submit" and "reset" are displayed in Chinese on the website.

Unexpectedly however, the language attribute in the source code before the <head> is still lang="en-GB" instead of lang="zh-CN" or similar. I imagine that this situation is not very helpful in terms of SEO.

The website also includes a German version in a subdirectory but no entry page. The language attribute is lang="de-DE" as expected.

I would be glad if somebody could let me know how to solve this problem of the language attribute, may be by the example of another language added separately.

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The language code is also entered with the variable lang_code in the speech center. You can customize it according to your needs.


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Publicado en de JJ. JUAG
Stefan U.
Stefan U.

Dear JJ. JUAG, thank you very much for your answer. I didn't know that I have to change this item in the Language Content Management window when adding a language not included in the language list, firstly because I hadn't noticed it and didn't know it exists, and secondly because it is an item in the source text and is not displayed visibly on the website.

I would suggest that this problem is added in the Online Help an in the PDF handbook where appropriate.

Best regards


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Publicado en de Stefan U.