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norman H.
norman H.

Working in Mobile friendly mode.  en

Autor: norman H.
Visitado 2069, Followers 1, Compartido 0  


When working on a project I create everything in desktop resolution and put the completed project onto the web, but the search engines add a tag to say that my site is not mobile friendly. So I have changed one of my sites to be responsive and the Header and Footers become distorted they overlap and are practically unreadable.

Having searched the forum for answers to this and finding nothing that is similar, does anyone have an answer, like "Initially build the site in responsive mode" or "Tab everything to the centre" or "Give everything in the header a tag rating like H1 - H2".

The site I have altered to responsive is a single page at as this is the least important site.

Any help would be great.


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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Norman, to fix this you need to go to step 2 Template, Customisation, Header and Footer content and for each resolution range, adjust, remove (hide) and/or replace the header and footer content.

Please also be aware that you website hosting is not correctly configured. My browser refused to allow me to view your website because it was insecure and was suspected of being a dangerous site to visit. I suspect your certificate is not valid. You should discuss this problem with your web host.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Elisa B.

Hi Norman, 

thank you for your message. 

Have you followed Esahc's suggestion? Were you able to solve the issue?

I wish you a lovely day.

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Publicado en de Elisa B.
norman H.
norman H.

The website will be closed as the free hosting company only use self signed certificates, as for the resolution adjustments, I have completed them but the actual pages do not seem to resize text and other items as it does when published in the desktop only format. Still a little disappointed with this v13 system as it does not seem consistant with it's actions.

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Publicado en de norman H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Norman, the idea of a responsive site is to maintain text sizes so it is not necessary for users to pinch and zoom. This is an example, but there a many better examples available in the User's Websites.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
norman H.
norman H.


Most of my issues in that website have been resovled by formatting but I still have some outstanding problems with various projects and I cannot find how to fix them without either compromising the desktop or moble views.

1. The spacing between start and end of formatted boxed text -  If I put a return on top and at the end of a formatted boxed text cell, in the desktop it looks fine, like the person reading is being given time to comprehend what has been written but in the mobile view it looks like a grave error in formatting as the spaces are so deep.

2. When using the Table function in desktop/mobile view - Desktop I set out spacings for each catagory, Name, Phone Number, etc and wrapped the text into the box size setting each heading space to fit what was to be contained in the boxes below and this worked well but when going to mobile view the boxes had shrunk to the size of the heading text, I expected they would hold their preset formatting. How can I get both to be the same when I cannot adjust pages to mobile until I preview.

3. In 2 projects I am preparing for a client he required a slideshow, one project had this in the body of a page which is the website Esahc has looked at and the other is to have it in the Header area. {Claudio is currently looking at the problems with this build} In the mobile view, there seems to be a hand control object to the bottom right of the slideshow which does not appear in any other view, I have removed the object and reset the settings 3 times in each project but cannot get rid of this hand. In the project Claudio is looking at, in mobile view the hand covers some of the clients slideshow which is not good for me as I want to finish this and get paid. This only occurs once the project is uploaded it does not show in Preview.

Any help with these would be greatfully received

The websites are - and - this site has a self signed certificate with certificate name issues and is currently listed as unsafe.


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Publicado en de norman H.
Elisa B.

Hello Norman, 

since the original issue has been solved I kindly ask you to open separate posts for each point of the issues you have described above (even if they are linked to the mobile/desktop view): in this way, it will be possible for us to provide you with the needed support, without risking to make confusion. 

Thank you! Kind regards.

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Publicado en de Elisa B.