PayPal doesn't accept customer's details generated by x5 shopping cart anymore. 
Autor: Viktar S.After qute a long period of receiving orders from x5 shopping cart with "United States" country from any customer regardless where they originaly came from the PayPal stopped accepting x5 generated customer's details completely! After another uncuccsessful order I decided to try myself and entered my own details to "purchase" something from my own website, at least I could see what is going on at very end!
PayPal went: "There’s a problem with your shipping address.Please return to the merchant and update your information, including your city, state, and ZIP code. "
I checked and double checked all entered details and they all seems to be correct. But! My customers can't order anything from my website now, some of them wouldn't want to have a hassle and cancelled their orders, for others I have to invoice them from PayPal directly. Had a chat with Paypal technical help centre and these guys are aware about the issue, they asked me right away: "are you using x5 software?" The problem now that this shopping cart doesn't comply to PayPal new requirements, most of new settings they want to comply with are not available for change from my side. I wonder if you guys could help me and update x5 evolution 10, otherwise it becomes in many aspects "useless" software. Thank you.
. . . did you read the other posts regarding PayPal problem ? eg
Thank you, all working now at it seems. Incomedia must update their software promptly so I will remain as a user not a coder.
Viktar, Incomedia have updated their software. This is not an issue in V13.