Border around the top (and buttom) 
Autor: Peter K.
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I want to make a border around my header 3 sides. (version 15).
Maybe I need to make a border around my footer some day.
I would like to know more about like borders. (big, small, highlighted, shadows) Do you know where i can find a description of that?
But first: A border around 3 sides of the header!
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Yes you can add borders to your headers, menus etc check out the boxer template demo here we added a shadow and border to the bottom of the menu & header & on this demo we added a very thin border to the header and menu, a shadow to page row1 at the bottom and then borders to each page row to split the rows up if users are interested in adding these type of elements to their projects i'm more than willing to do a few tutorials on this subject for website x5
I have made a screendump to illustrate my problem.
Hello Peter.
For the side borders you must adjust the width of the site (see photo).
For the top border you must adjust the height of header and header background and then adjust the menu location (see photos).
I have set the width to 1240 in "The "resolutions and design".
I can see that the value of the width is 1150 in the "Skabelon Structure".
The field tis locked. Where can i ajust this value?
Hello Peter
On the same page that Jean-Serge shows, choose : The upper ( not responsive ) option.
Thereafter you can change the width.
Then change back.
Vælg "Desktop site" sæt bredden - vælg derefter skalerbart site igen.
Kind regards
John S.
When I ajust theese values (and colors) there comes any borders. Maybe it's because i don't understand how it should be visible.
In the text and picture field there are functions to do this, but i cannot see it in the header.
1. I set the width in Resolution and Responsive Design
2. Mark the Skalerbart site.
3. Set the hight to 150 in the Header
4. Set the height to 150 in toptext background (tried width different values)
5. In the "Top editor" i moved the menu to different positions.
Where can i ajust the border in this section? Witdth and color. Can i make it highlighted as i wrote in the beginning?
I would try to make the site like this:
... post the LINK of your site to be able to evaluate with extra code ...
(IT) ... posta il LINK del tuo sito per poter valutare con codice extra...
Hi Peter.
You must also adjust the color of the background of the page on transparant.
And set a color for the content of the page.
See the pictures.
Hi Peter.
I have attached a project file for you to understand how to proceed.
Click here to download the project file
Thank you! But where do you set the parametre to the header-border? If it is en the "Top-buttom-editor", how can i do it there.
For the top border you must adjust the height of header and header background and then adjust the menu location.
Here you can see what i have made:
May I ask you to make an example width borders (edges)?
Is this what you want?
Click here to download the project file
Or this ?
Click here to download the project file
Hej Prevot!
He's what I could think of. I do not think Websitex5 can do it.
Thanks for your great patience and because you have spent time helping me.
Many thanks
Hallo Peter
Det kan laves i X5.
I løbet af de kommende dage, vil jeg lave et par eksempler til dig.
Du kan så selv bestemme om du vil bruge det.
Hvis du allerede har bestemt dig til noget andet, må du godt lige nævne det her.
Med venlig hilsen
John S.
Hej John!
Ja, det vil jeg meget gerne se. Jeg er blevet meget forundret over at X5 ikke kan tegne en streg. Naturligvis er mit ønske at det bliver en ramme med en "dekoration" (skygge/hvælving el. lign) , altså ikke blot en simpel streg, som vi har kæmpet med hidtil.
Jeg er meget spændt på resultatet.
hello Peter
I have an example for you here :
In the table, the first row opens in a new tab - the rest will open in the same window. The "trips" is the same - hope you can imagine that tey are all different.
Kind regards
John S.
Her er et eksempel :
I tabellen er den første række med ny tab ved klik og de efetrfølgende åbnes i samme vindue.
Turene er de samme i eksemplet - jeg regner med du kan forestille dig at turene er forskellige.
Læg mærke til at rammen udvider sig hvis det er nødvendigt.
De eksterne links åbnes i en ny tab - de kunne også åbnes i det samme vindue, eller i en popup-boks.
Er det ( eksemplet ) noget du kan bruge ?
The site is now responsive - ecentually try to refresh the browser
Hej John!
Det er et fantastisk eksempel. Det vil jeg være glad for at få, så jeg kan arbejde ud fra det.
Goddag Peter
Du kan kontakte mig her :
Så kan jeg eventuelt maile det som et projekt eller template, til dig.
Med venlig hilsen
John S.