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Sander V.
Sander V.

Preview and export not updated with the changes I made  en

Autor: Sander V.
Visitado 2455, Followers 1, Compartido 0  


I've made some changes to my new website (footer, menu, etc). But when I do a preview the changes are not shown. I tried to export to disk, but then I also don't see the changes.

I do see the changes in Website X5 (I use the latest version)!

Is this a cache problem? I've rebooted my machine but still the same problem.



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Giorgio C.
Giorgio C.

Try it when you're online doing ctrl + F5 to clear the browser chache


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Publicado en de Giorgio C.
Andre E
Andre E

Can it be that the size of the screen is the problem?

There are standard 4 seizes you need to design. If you change the biggest one but look on the screen on a lower resolution then you won't see the changes.

In the preview you have colours on top, these are the same for colours on the left in x5 for the viewports (resoltuion or even better the size of the screen)

let me know.

By the way, tou update your cache with F5 in your browser and with ctrl key opening the preview in X5.

Hope this helps

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Publicado en de Andre E
Sander V.
Sander V.


I've tried the refresh (crtl F5) but it didn't work.

I had a look at the 4 sizes, but it doesn't seem to be the problem.

When I open anonther project of mine, the preview works fine (even after an update).

Is there a way to generate a new preview (removing the old one)?

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Publicado en de Sander V.
Andre E
Andre E


The preview in x5 is updated if you use it with the ctrl key.

In your browser it's updates with ctrl-F5

Are you realy sure you look at the correct folder (upload folder on internet) ?

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Publicado en de Andre E
Sander V.
Sander V.

Hello Andre,

When I hold down the ctrl and click on preview I still get the old preview.

Attached is the header as I see it in website X5.

Is there a way were I can delete the old preview?

When I export it to disk to a new folder I get the "old preview". I hope I can save this project (restore didn't work) or else I lose a lot of work.

In the next post I wil attach the preview.

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Publicado en de Sander V.
Sander V.
Sander V.

And here is the preview. As you can see they are different.

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Publicado en de Sander V.
Andre E
Andre E

But this preview does not match the website, the website looks newer but not like your examlpe.

Did you already made more changes?

But this is very strange.

The preview folder is located in the folder with the name of your project and then a folder called preview.

Your project name folder is found bij clicking preferences on the startup page of x5.

You can delete the preview folder -just the preview folder- with no further harm on the project, it will be re generated by x5

How does the preview look if you use in the preview of x5 the top right button and select another browser?

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Publicado en de Andre E
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Sorry to intrude. . .If you export (step 5 export/export project) and then import does this correct the issue?

As Andre says - is there any confusion with the default folder?

. . . . and there is no chance you are working on a folder synchronised to the cloud or external hardware?

Assuming your projects are within your documents folder, can you search for index.html in windows explorer and perhaps find an alternative location?

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Sander V.
Sander V.

Thats exactly the problem, the preview is older than my changes.

I've found the folder and deleted the preview folder. But when I do a preview I get "Cannot load the page index.html".

I can see that the folder is re generated but not al the website files are there.

When I do a preview in another browser (firefox, IE) I get the same results.

Does it help if I upload an export of the site for you to investigate?

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Publicado en de Sander V.
Sander V.
Sander V.

I now see the extra question Esahc is asking:

. . . . and there is no chance you are working on a folder synchronised to the cloud or external hardware?

Assuming your projects are within your documents folder, can you search for index.html in windows explorer and perhaps find an alternative location?

I work for many years with Website X5, I never have seen this behaviour. No I have all the files localy on my laptop.

Of course I make backups of my laptop, but not syncing with the cloud.

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Publicado en de Sander V.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Sander, have you tried the export import trick?

If you create a folder (I always create a folder called web in the project directory) and export the project to disk, does the index.html get created? Can you open it??

If index.html will not create, is it possible to temporarily uninstall/stop any antivirus/firewall/malware software?

Do you have other projects that work? If not, can you create a new project and preview, does that work? Assuming it does, see next paragraph.

Your site appears to be a one page site (very nice by the way), if you make a copy of your site and then working on the copy delete a row of cells, then preview, then repeat. At any point does the preview work? Please ensure there are no empty cells in the project (there should be an object in every cell (eg text), although the object need not have content.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Sander V.
Sander V.

Yes, I've tried to export en import the project but stll the same problem.

The index file is created but without the changes I've made.

The original site is an one page website (thanks for the compliment!), but I've got issues with Google, the site is not found very well because of the little keywords and site description you can have in an one page webstite. That's why I want to change the site, I've made a new project with multiple pages so I can get more keywords.

Other projects work fine, changes I've made are shown in the preview. So I guess this project is some how corrupt?

I've tried to make a copy and change some rows but then I still have the same issue.

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Publicado en de Sander V.
Sander V.
Sander V.

The strange thing is, when I delete the Preview folder from another project. The folder is recreated including the index file.

Why isn't it created in the "problem project"?

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Publicado en de Sander V.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Is this "other" folder an earlier version of the same project? Can that project be opened in the appropriate version??

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Sander V.
Sander V.

No it is a different (test) project.

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Publicado en de Sander V.
Andre E
Andre E


ik doe t ff in het nl gaat wat sneller...

Check de folders van x5 en kijk eens of er nog een andere folder is selecteer in alle andere  folders van x5 de preview folder en start de index file, dan moet je browsr opstarten. (of kijk naar de datum/time stamp)

Kijk eens of je dan het nieuwe project met de juiste aanpassingen vind.

Het lijkt er op dat de files elders weggeschreven worden dan waar x5 kijkt om de laatste aanpassingen te zien.

Heb je iets veranderd in je project naam? staan daar misschien vreemde tekens in, accolade's en dat soort tekens, als ja, verwijder die dan eens.

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Publicado en de Andre E
Sander V.
Sander V.

Hoi Andre,

Das inderdaad sneller ;-). Ik was in tussentijd alweer van begin af aan begonnen. Heb 2 x website X5 opgestart. 1 keer met de oude "kapotte" versie en 1 keer met een lege template. Ik heb toen alle pagina's van de ene over gekopieerd naar de andere. So far so good. Ook de header kon ik zonder problemen kopieren van de ene naar de andere.

Toen was de footer aan de beurt en daar ging het mis. Na het kopieren van de footer werkte de preview niet meer.

Als ik de footer weer leeg maakte werkte de preview weer. Ik heb toen ook eens de footer leeg gemaakt van de "kapotte" versie en die werkt nu ook weer.

Schijnbaar werkt het kopieren / plakken van de ene footer in de andere niet lekker. Als ik handmatig de footer opnieuw maak dan blijft het wel werken.

Erg vaag vind je niet?



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Publicado en de Sander V.
Andre E
Andre E

nein zou ik bijna zeggen, kopieren is niet echt een functie van een naar ander maar werkt wel, echter hangt er nogal wat aan de footer en haeder dus ergens kan ik me er wel wat bij voorstellen.

Geen rare codes of tekens in de footer (bij de oude) het lijkt inderdaad of het daar ergens mis gaat.
Je bent in ieder geval verder ondanks dat het helaas wat moeite gekost hebt, helaas heb je dat soms wel eens.

Bedankt voor de feedback, en als er weer wat raars is dan horen we het hier wel weer. (hopelijk niet)



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Publicado en de Andre E
Sander V.
Sander V.

Jullie bedankt voor de hulp!

Ik blijf het een fijn programma vinden!wink

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Publicado en de Sander V.