How to unlock the copyright on my website 
Autor: Laurie T.
Visitado 2022,
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We need to unlock the copyright on our website:
and also how do we add another administrator to this same website.
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Laurie, do you have the original source project files or an iwzip of the project? You cannot use WX5 to rebuild a site from the generated website.
Version 9 didn't allow the addition of copy protection to my knowledge (I could be wrong - again)
If the original site was created in a later or professional version, your evo v9 will not open it.
Hello.Please specify what it means: "unlock the copyright"?
"how do we add another administrator to this same website" - To manage the site, the program itself is required. You need to install a copy of the program on another person’s computer if the license allows it. You also need to transfer site project to this person. But if one of you makes changes to the project, then you need to transfer the project to another person again, so that he could make changes too.
The site has no administrative area.
If it's code protection,
on V9: Step 1, General Settings, Advanced tab, and uncheck the protection.
If it's something else, better explain please...
(It > De) ... aufmerksamkeit! ... v.8 und v.9 sind veraltet! und sie haben Unterstützung abgelaufen:
a) ... für die Link-Site (v.8) im Abschnitt "Expert" des Fensters "General Settings", Abschnitt Custom Code für den Abschnitt HEAD, und löschen Sie diese Zeichenfolge:
<script type="text/javascript">imCodeProt('Mike Mellelieu 2019')</script>
b) ... oder, falls nicht gefunden, wo angegeben, einchecken in Eigenschaften der Seite (aller Seiten) | Expertenbereich | Code zum Einfügen in den KOPF der Seite und Löschen derselben vorherigen Zeichenfolge ...
c) ... oder bearbeiten Sie die Datei > x5engine.js in NETWORK und löschen Sie die Zeilen n. 82-84, dh diese Zeichenketten:
function imCodeProt(sAuthor) { document.oncontextmenu = function(){ alert('Copyrights '+sAuthor+'. All rights reserved.'); return false; }}