How to display a poster during video uploading 
Autor: Axel
Visitado 1990,
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Hey all,
Does anyone has an idea to display a poster (fix picture) during a video loading
Here an example, where the video could be a little bit long sometimes depends of device and bandwith.
KolAsim, an idea :-)
Others ?
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Salut Axel,
A toutes fins utiles en attendant le passage d'un Pro de la chose :
En cherchant un peu j'ai trouvé ça aussi (des fois que... ? a priori intéressant pour une grande quantité d'images en chargement...) :
Salut Jipé,
Merci pour le lien... Mais marche pas dans mon exemple !!
Maybe KolAsim.
I added the code from second Jipe's link here
...!... x loader ...?...
1) - utilisez une image GifAnim comme arrière-plan de la cellule;
2) - ou (x index2.html) collez ce code dans: Expert | Avant de fermer le TAG /HEAD:
<style> #imPageRowGraphicsVideo_2 {background: url('') no-repeat center center; background-size: 30%;} </style>
index2.html updated... Line 60
... OK:
Hey KolAsim... OK for you !!!
not for me (Chrome, Firefox ...)
When I check with precision the gif is displayed les s1 s just before the video is running. But not during loading
idea ?
... x 15 seconds:
#imPageRowGraphicsVideo_2_wrapper:after {content:"";position:absolute;z-index:100;width:100%;height:100%;top:0px;left:0px;background: url('') no-repeat center center; background-size: 30%; -webkit-animation: fadeout 15s linear 1 forwards; animation: fadeout 15s linear 1 forwards;}
@-webkit-keyframes fadeout { 1% { opacity: 1; } 50% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } }
@keyframes fadeout { 1% { opacity: 1; } 50% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } }
Yes & No.
With this code the gif is displayed on the starting video and disappears after 15s the video running in background
I will prefer just the gif during video pre-loading and when the video is started the gif disappears
in any case..many thanks for your useful help
@Wsx5 ...
try this:
my test with your video:
bye !
Hooo...thanks Claudio...
Grrrr.... Same code as yours @Claudio.
gif is displayed during loading... no video !!! Hagh !!!
idea why ???
Hello ! but on my website with your video does it seem to work?
an idea ?
... Je ne peux pas vérifier la vidéo car mon Firefox ne voit pas MP4 mais seulement les vidéos WEBM ...
... Cependant, le préchargeur de page normal fonctionne, mais cela n'a rien à voir avec mon code qui a d'autres objectifs ...
OK.. thanks again for your help in anycase.