Image map 
Autor: Robert A.Hi,
I tried to change a picture on (5th one down, a composite of various books covers) - so that I could add some HTML to create an image map.
First try failed as picture was too big - Website X5 is obviously resizing it.
Second try - I created an image 184px wide and that worked in three out of four resolutions but for reasons that I don't understand, it didn't work at Tablet size?
So have given up fopr now - any ideas for a way to do it soi it's responsive?
Thanks, Robert.
The code I used (I've changed the shape of the brackets in case this mesg box tries to interpret HTML).
{-img src="400 wide Lenas Friends 02.gif" usemap="#image-map"-}
{-map name="image-map"-}
{-area target="" alt="Transactions" title="Transactions" href="" coords="3,2,62,87" shape="rect"-}
{-area target="" alt="Coincidences" title="Coincidences" href="" coords="65,2,121,87" shape="rect"-}
{-area target="" alt="Retributions" title="Retributions" href="" coords="125,2,183,87" shape="rect"-}
{-area target="" alt="Sharknose" title="Sharknose" href="" coords="3,90,62,177" shape="rect"-}
{-area target="" alt="Deadweight" title="Deadweight" href="" coords="65,90,121,177" shape="rect"-}
{-area target="" alt="Disrespected" title="Disrespected" href="" coords="125,90,183,177" shape="rect"-}
{-area target="" alt="Selected" title="Selected" href="" coords="65,181,121,268" shape="rect"-}
(It > En) ... you must use an HTML Code Object, with minimum dimensions of 400x590 pixels ...
Hello KolAsim,
Thanks for your reply,
I am using an HTML codde object however I can't see where you can set any dimensions? Help please :)
Reference: The toolbar options |
Arrange | •Position and Size
Hello KolAsim,
I'm confused - I don't see how what you have suggested is applicable?
I've attached an image of the page and the content.
Would it be better if I put the content back into the actual page that I want it in rather than this test page ???
All the best,
... in the second STAMP, below, you can adjust the measurements ...
... the width will obviously be that of the cell, which must be greater than the width of your image ...
Hello KolAsim,
I've added the image map to
it seems OK (a bit small) in desktop or smartphone view but in tablet view the right part of the image is cropped - see image.
Not sure why?
... for the mapping, the object and the image must not be resized, they must have fixed measurements ...
Hi KolAsim,
How do you do fixed sizes for a single item within a responsive website? I can see that you can set height but width seems to only be a percentage?
... unfortunately I am without a PC and I cannot control the program ...
... you check if you have activated the Keep Ratio option or not...
... or + : width="184" height="271"
<img width="184" height="271" src="" usemap="#image-map">
Hi KolAsim,
Thanks for all your help.
I'm going to solve the issue without using an image map - way too much time and bother.
All the best,
... ... ciao... ...