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Malcolm P.
Malcolm P.

'De-optimize' a website?  en

Autor: Malcolm P.
Visitado 2613, Followers 2, Compartido 0  

I have a website which uses custom code to resize the page background images on smartphones (further details on 'Resize page background with screen width' thread if interested).

The latest iteration of the custom code seems to have been working correctly on all devices up until last Friday, when I uploaded a 'final' update to the site with the 'Enable file minification' and 'Enable gzip compression' options in Step 1/Advanced/SEO ticked.

Since then, the client informs me, and I have confirmed elsewhere, that the page backgrounds no longer resize on an iPhone (and apparently also on iPads), although the resizing still works perfectly on an iMac, various PCs and my own Samsung Android phone. As far as I have been able to determine, this change in behaviour on iPhones is exactly coincident with the change in the optimization settings.

It doesn't make much sense that the erroneous behaviour is apparently peculiar to iOS devices and no others, but it is entirely repeatable.

I now need to 'de-optimize' the site to determine if that is the actual cause and to correct it if so. Can this be done by simply deselecting the optimization options, doing a Ctrl-Preview and uploading all the pages afresh? Is there anything else necessary, like perhaps manually editing the .htaccess file which was changed by the initial optimisation? I can't simply wipe the live site and upload a fresh version as it has a heavily customised third-party booking script and it would cause major problems if that were to be damaged or lost in the process.

Any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Malcolm, it probably won't be possible to get any assistance from Incomedia because they do not offer assistance with 3rd party code.

However, someone should be able to tell you which lines are added to the htaccess file.

If t'was me I would reload the whole site after turning off optimisation as you described. If it does not fix the problem, then use the wx5 FTP (or filezilla) to copy the htaccess so you don't break it and then edit the original to remove lines you suspect have been added by wx5

If this doesn't fix , how sure are you it was working when you first upgraded to v2019.3.11?

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Usuario del mes PT

@Malcolm ...

yes , you can  deselect the optimization options, doing a Ctrl-Preview and uploading all the pages afresh...

i think the gzip options don't interfere... 

but the issue is caused for the minification...

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Usuario del mes RU

(It > En) ... Malcolm I saw that you are using my extra code, and in this case the optimization does not enter with the problem of backgrounds ...
... I checked your "contact" page on my Smartphone / Android / Chrome and it works properly, ... and the background has remained unchanged.
... alternatively you can try out another unique code of mine checking > this page  (x Forum DE)  on your devices ...

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Publicado en de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Malcolm P.
Malcolm P.

@Esahc, @Claudio:

Thank you, I have uploaded all pages afresh with the optimisation options deselected. Unfortunately, according to the client the problem remains, although he is rather vague and even misleading in his description of the problem, which doesn't help with diagnosis. 

For what it's worth, I can confirm that deselecting the optimisation options also resets the .htaccess file to its previous condition prior to optimisation, which is effectively blank and containing only Website X5 comments. I can only hope that everything else also returned to its pre-optimisation state at the same time.


Thank you for your further involvement, but just to clarify, the contact and booking pages (and also the others, to which I added your code last Friday) work perfectly on my Android phone with both the Samsung and Chrome browsers, and also on both various PCs and a recent iMac running OSX Mojave(?).

The only devices on which the background does not now resize correctly are iPhones and (I believe, but have not confirmed in person) iPads; it works brilliantly on my Samsung. Therefore, as far as I can determine at the moment, the issue is now confined to iOS devices only. Which doesn't make any sense to me unless Apple is doing something very non-standard with either the iOS operating system itself or whatever browser it uses.

I will have a look at your other example as soon as I can get access to an iPhone again, but unfortunately I have no direct access myself and have to rely on a couple of friends for that, neither of whom are immediately available.

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Publicado en de Malcolm P.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Usuario del mes RU
Malcolm P.
... ...  @KolAsim: ... ... ...  I will have a look at your other example as soon as I can get access to an iPhone again, ... ...



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Publicado en de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪