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Rick S.
Rick S.

Adding content to a page  en

Autor: Rick S.
Visitado 1556, Followers 2, Compartido 0  
Tags: content,page

How can I fill in this hole in the page??   

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Stefano G.

Hello Rick

I've moved your question here since it had to do with something different than your previous topic.

What is that space? Is it generated by the software and you wish to remove it? Is there an Object set there?

Is the website currently online? If so, please share the URL here with me so that I might verify it better

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Rick, am I correct in assuming the content of the indicated cells? If so, what is in the 4 cells above??

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Rick S.
Rick S.

Don't know what you mean, they are just a picture on one side and text on the other side.

How can I fill in the hole between them?? Check out the link I sent  

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Publicado en de Rick S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Sorry Rick, I assume you are referring to 3 or 5 cells apparently not displaying. If the content is in a text object then there are a number of things we can ask you to check, similarly for an image object. From your screen capture of the page layout I can not even identify if I am looking at the same part of the page that the problem exists.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Rick S.
Rick S.

NO it is not the cells not displaying, its all full when I see it, after I upload it there is a HOLE, a space in the web page

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Publicado en de Rick S.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Rick S.
NO it is not the cells not displaying, its all full when I see it, after I upload it there is a HOLE, a space in the web page

(It > En) ... ...!... the page is not responsive ...! ...
... you have several dozen empty fields; ... maybe you pasted text from external resources incorrectly ...


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Publicado en de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Rick S.
Rick S.

So you can't help me  

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Publicado en de Rick S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Rick, we do not have the project, you do.

If you can tell us what is or should be in each cell (as requested in my first post) and show us where on the layout we can advise where you should look and potentially what to look for. Perhaps it would help us if you could provide a screen shot from your local preview without the "hole" so we can compare with the online version? It could be as simple as a corrupted file or 2 on the host in which case if the preview is good, a full upload (not new and changed) may fix it. As KolAsim pointed out, your published page has empty cells (but something is defining the space required).

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

I revisited your site and found this "invisible something" either in the cell  "Working for god. . . . ." or the one below.

What is this? As KolAsim suggested, have you copied text from elsewhere and unwittingly included control and formatting codes perhaps (always copy pure text, if in doubt paste to notepad and copy from there)? My best guess is unbreakable spaces.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

Rick, what Esahc is suggesting is that in the cell that contains the "Working for God...." text there is also a whole lot of formatting codes or similar that don't show up but somehow affect the spacing.

Your best bet is to entirely remove everything in that cell (or even delete it then recreate it) and add in the text again. Don't copy and paste it - put it in manually.

Do an upload and see if this fixes it. If it doesn't, the cell below might contain the codes. Kolasim (via Google Translate) has also noted a lot of empty cells in your project. They might not be affecting the issue but they can also slow down X5 drastically, or cause other problems. Both these users are really knowledgable and what they suggest is well worth looking at.



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Publicado en de Wayne B.
Rick S.
Rick S.

That makes sense, THANK  YOU VERY MUCH 


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Publicado en de Rick S.