Php problems : blog and contact form 
Autor: Eduardo S.
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I am having issues in my website ( with two pages, both with .php in their addresses.
One of them is the blog and the other one is the one that appears once I press the "send" button in the contact form. In Firefox both of them lead me to a white page and in Chrome it says error "http 500"
I have changed my hosting from godaddy (whare I already had this problem) to Hostalia, and the problem remains.
My current php version is 7.4, but I have unsuccessfully tested with 7.1,7.2 and 7.3....
I deleted the contact form and rebuilt it , but nothing good happened
What can I do?
Thanks for your help
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Check posts below, any way check admin panel, php version good there also?
Do a full upload not a partial, refresh website with x5 tthen try again.
I also get an info from firefox that certificate is not correct.
Do you use htacces file? Is it correctly configured?
Is your certificate for https correct?
Are the files correctly linked to https or set up http?
My php version is 7.4, but I have tried with 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3
I have uploaded full version of my web, refreshed, and nothing happened
I dont have htaccess file I think
My https certificate will be ok once my domain is being fully transfered from my old domain registration (godaddy) to the new one (hostalia). It is supposed to happen in the next few days.
Anyway, when i was on godaddy I had a correct certificate and it didnt work.
I dont know how the check if files are correctly linked to https or http
In the second link that you provided me in your reply, they talk about switching off the new SEO feature. Which one is it?
I can´t see the blog neither in the preview inside Website x5 software (i attach screenshot), although I can see the columns in the right (categories, clouds, recent articles...)
That last post seem to be solved in an updat elater, so if you have latest then it should not matter.
if you don't uuse htaccess then https and http does also not matter, this is only if you have htacces set.
So if not then forget i mentionend it.
It's better to use 7.3 or 7.1 at the moment.
It realy looks like the blog is not uploaded. set php a little lower, do a full upload instead of a partial, hopefully that helps, else i am lost maybe somebody else might have some ideas?