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Adrian B.
Adrian B.

More new features.....  en

Autor: Adrian B.
Visitado 761, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

More new features...... commerce for social..... 

How about we perfect all the other features first before spending more development time on new ones!!!!!

The current cart system still has a long way to go....  Listen to your users

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Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.

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Publicado en de Aleksej H.
Elisa B.

Hi Adrian, 

thank you for getting in touch. 

When releasing a new version of the program we usually enrich it by adding some new features. Possible fixes are, on the other hand, released with minor versions of the software. Of course, if you need to report any kind of possible improvement or issue, you can do so by opening a dedicated post, so we can analyze the issue together and find a solution. 

Thank you again, I wish you a lovely day. Kind regards.

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Publicado en de Elisa B.