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Paypal Error log into the user defined directory ... Who writes this file ?  en

Autor: Axel  
Visitado 1501, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

Hello Incomedia, all,

I found a new error log into the user defined directory !!

We can / need to create this user defined directory if you are using the rates & comments object to register the user votes....

But for Paypal paiment this directory is not specified into the documentation and seems not mandatory, and the paypal works without this directory (or may be I do an error).

The user defined directory is configured here.

And the poor documentation on this directory, said (sorry in French).

" ▪ Dossier du serveur avec l'accès en écriture  : dans ce champ il est nécessaire de préciser le chemin sur le Serveur du dossier avec accès en écriture, à savoir du dossier dans lequel est possible l'écriture du code PHP.

Habituellement les fournisseurs d'accès Internet permettent l'accès en écriture pour chaque dossier du serveur: dans ce cas, il n'est pas nécessaire de renseigner un chemin pour le dossier public. Au contraire, pour connaître le chemin complet du dossier public, il est nécessaire de contacter son fournisseur d'accès Internet.

À travers la section WebSite Test du Panneau de Contrôle en ligne il est possible de vérifier si le dossier avec accès en écriture spécifié, et si les éventuels sous dossiers contenus, existent et, dans ce cas, s'ils permettent réellement l'écriture des données. »


So what the real usage of this directory and what are the files written here. If you are using the votes & comments object, OK you will have a random file like F67272988 where your comments and votes are registered. 

But so what for other(s)  ????

I found that paypal errors could be here. The file is spelled paypal-error.log And seems created when you got some payment errors from a customer.

The content of this file is like:

[2022-01-04 10:33:34]

So my question are:

Does other files can be founded into this directory. When the documentation said 'possible to write with PHP code' it is very light explanation... or NOT an explanation.yell

Who writes the paypal-error.log file here. incomedia or Paypal... I suppose that is Incomedia because the payment is not done... and Paypal server has no knowledge of this directory to write into !! 

So what is the explanation of this content file... If this file is created we can suppose that it is to help the webmaster. So please with my logs here who can explain why a paypal error occurs...

NOT_ELIGIBLE ??? wo what does it mean ?

Incomedia it coul be very nice to have a clear explanation of this error contents to help us...
Write a file into a directory if it is not useful, so what the usage !!!!

Thanks for clarification and to take this request to improve documentation about that.

Asked since long time, why not create a troubleshooting guide where errors are fully documented and explanations are done to solve them.
Everyone will win time, us and you by less support on documented errors and solutions.


Publicado en
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.

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Publicado en de Aleksej H.
Stefano G.

Hello Axel

This file can be created by the website when the PayPal payment procedure fails, but it is not meant to be used directly by the website owner

Should you encounter issues with the PayPal functionality and decide to report it here on the Help Center, the Staff might ask you to provide this file for further verifications.

This file contains data sent directly by PayPal who also provide the specific documentation for it, it is not something that the website alone generates. The website simply writes it down for verification in case you experience issues and require assistance in solving it

Should you have any further questions on this, I remain available here

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.

Hello Stefano,

Thanks for your reply, but we cannot do anything with ypur answer and also the log file... It is generated ... dot !!! yell

So please can you share here the paypal documentation to undertsand this error log message.


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Publicado en de Axel  
Stefano G.

Hello Axel

As I mentioned before, this file that can be created by the website when the PayPal payment procedure fails is not meant to be used directly by the website owner

If the connection via the software succeeds, you should technically not encounter any other issues. If you do, please contact us so that we can look into it for you

The generated file is not meant to be used by the website owner

The entire integration is based on PayPal's dev documentation, so you can find it here

I remain available here

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.

Thank you

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Publicado en de Axel