Preview problem in v9 
Autor: Richard KemptonI posted this under another thead about upgrading from v9 to v9, but am reposting it here so that it can be found more easily, in case anyone else is experiencing the same issue ...
I have installed v9 and imported the .iwp file created with v8 into v9. The project seems to have been imported successfully, because I can pull up the site map and see/edit all the pages, some of which appear to need some slight changes (e.g. to re-format bulleted lists. So far so good.
Or so THOUGHT. Then I tried previewing the site in v9 ...
Every time I try that (using the 'Preview' button), I get an error message that 'Preview' cannot find & load the 'index.html' file. I can get 'Preview' to preview the site if I MANUALLY enter the path to the 'index.html' file, but I have to do that EVERY TIME I want to preview the site; that should not be necessary and is a COMPLETE pain in the backside if it is.
If the program is creating the project and preview files, surely it should know where it has put the 'index.html' (or even the 'home.html') file and find it without any intervention from me?
I cannot find anything in the 'Help' files that either tell me that I need to instruct the program WHERE to look for the 'index.html' file, or if I do, how I do that. BTW, when I installed v9, I accepted the default folder for projects (E:\WebSite X5 v9 - Evolution\[projectname]), so the 'index.html' file should be where v9 expects it to be, but for some reason it isn't ...
BTW, neither the 'Help' files nor the video tutorials are really up to scratch if someone needs clear and specific instructions on certain key aspects of the software - and troubleshooting 'Preview' problems is one such - and pretty basic.
'Previewing' is a pretty fundamental aspect of the software, because that should be the QUICKEST & EASIEST way of reviewing any changes made without having to resort to opening a browser to do the job - which should NOT be necessary.
Dear Richard,
please open a single post for each question so that we may gather all the information toghether.
I will now close this post and answer you in the first one you opened
Thank you.