Mobile "line" 
Autor: Łukasz M.
Visitado 1982,
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Hi, does anyone know where this line (screenshot) comes from? When changing the resolution on the mobile version, it disappears once and reappears. For example, if I adjust the resolution so that the line is invisible on the iPhone, it appears on other models, and vice versa.
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My friend gets irritated too easily... For you it may be a small error, for me it is big enough to eliminate it.
Nie mając kodu ani czasu na analizę strony mogę się tylko domyślać, że albo zapomniane obramowanie pola, albo pozostałość pozycji zero ze skryptu przesuwającego i powodującego blednięcie pasków.
Maybe someone from Inco has idea?
Hello Łukasz
I've attempted to look at the website via different phones and browsers on a desktop PC, but I was never able to find that specific "shadow".
Can you please indicate a precise way I can reproduce the issue so that I might attempt it and successfully analyze the situation for you?
I remain available here
... it could be an indecipherable margin showing the background of the next line's background video....
... to verify, try temporarily removing the video "reverse_retro-grid_min.mp4"...
THX Guys for help, yes KolAsim, video is probably reason, but I can't remove it.
... in the style of row 5 > video background ...
>> Step 4 - Pages > Page Layout Table and Toolbar Commands > The Row Formats window:
Reference: Commands in the General section