Changes in licence conditions from 2024.3 
Autor: Andrzej K.
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Question about changes in licence condition from 2024.3
I bought pro licence of website with updates for one year. In the meantime you changed conditions of licence so my bought rights were broken - in such way i should receive agence version for free till the end of update period. Is it true?
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Hi Andrzej,
thank you for reaching out.
The recent changes introduced with version 2024.3 have clarified the licensing approach: in order to create websites for third parties, the Agency version is necessary if a version starting from 2024.3 on is used, and such websites are created or managed upon payment. On the other hand, by continuing using version 2024.2, it is still possible to use Pro to create and manage websites for third parties, even upon payment.
When you purchased the Pro license, you received access to updates for one year. While the transition to the new model doesn’t include receiving the Agency version at no extra cost, we’d be happy to discuss potential discounts as a way to address the change.
Please let me know if I can be of any further help. Kind regards.
what discuss? It is the same situation like erasing shop from Evo version. In such situation you give a pro version for free till the end of update time, so you should to do the same in case of erasing one functionality from pro version (commercial selling of websites).
Поддержу! Такая же ситуация с ограничением количества страниц сайта - теперь на Evo можно создать только 100 страниц. При покупке и всегда до этого количество страниц НЕ ОГРАНИЧИВАЛОСЬ!
I will support you! Thesamesituation is withlimiting the number of sitepages-now you cancreateonly100pagesonEvo.Whenbuying, andalwaysbefore, the number of pages was NOTLIMITED!
***I will support you! The same situation is with limiting the number of sitepages - now you cancreate only 100 pages on Evo. When buying, and always before, the number of pages was NOT LIMITED!
Hi Alex,
I got back to you here:
We can carry on on that ticket.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Elisa, I understand you are only a worker and have to explain stupid decisions of management as "clever understanding of customers needs" :)
but please take care about the subject - reduction amount of pages in evo as well as limitations of rights for creating websites in pro is in fact "breaking the agreement we made" when we buy licence with one year updates on the same conditions we bought.
Elisa, Eric - where is priority solving problems for active users? I am still waiting for solving this problem.
Hi Andrzej,
as we discussed, I'm sorry to say that a free upgrade to the Agency version isn't available. However, as a valued Pro user, we're happy to offer you a 20% discount should you decide to make the switch.
Thank you again, and please don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you.
Kind regards.
I think it is illegal in EU so I check possibility for using EU institutions to check your company. The UE penalties are usually severe...
Acredito que deveriam ter uma política mais consciente e justa, por exemplo, analisar quantos meses ainda temos de validade na versão pro e dar um desconto proporcional, seria uma delas.
A mais importante é explicar em detalhes tudo sobre essa versão agency, está muito difícil entender, sinceramente.
Ficar aqui nesse ping pong de perguntas picadas não parece ser saudável e a dúvida, ainda que velada, está certamente em 99% dos reais interessados em entender se precisam ou não desse novo pacote. Parece que se eu vender um site feito pela versão pro, como sempre fiz, agora serei um fora da lei!
Glaucio, In such situation this question is a good question:
is robbing a thief a crime? :)
Maybe you should compare buying WebSiteX5 to buying a car that includes the service contract.
After 1 year you can extend the service contract.
The Pro version previously included a trailer hitch for towing a sales trailer, but now the trailer hitch has been removed and is only included with the larger car.
If you don't take advantage of the service contract and stick with the smaller car, you can keep the trailer hitch and continue to tow sales trailers.
Or he takes the larger car (Agency version) with a trailer hitch.
Exactly, I bought yearly service contract and in half of it they changed conditions. The penalty should be used for such activity.
For me it is clear - after yearly contract they could propose new conditions (and I accept or not) but in the meantime of contract - no way...
@ Daniel W. The comparison you make with a car and a tow bar is completely absurd!
You have to put it differently:
You buy a car with a tow bar and service for 1 year.
But within that year the garage removes 2 wheels from the car without consultation!!
And then they happily expect you to drive the trip that year on a car with two wheels while you paid for 4 wheels and a car that just drives well
Mmmh, che "brutta aria" che tira per Incomedia un po' dappertutto...
Mmmh, what a "bad air" that is blowing for Incomedia a bit everywhere...
It is the reason they are looking for customers in Dubai :)