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I. Danny
I. Danny
Icm Partner

Guestbook problems  en

Autor: I. Danny
Visitado 10042, Followers 1, Compartido 39  

I seem to be having two problems with using a guestbook with Website X5 9.

1. Captcha does not work correctly when using Mozilla Firefox 11.0.
In Internet Explorer it's working fine.

2. The comments in the guestbook are not shown in the admin area.
It will say 'No comments' when logged in as admin.

I have tried everything from (public)folder settings to uploading new guestbooks.
You can check the guestbook on the following URL: (customer's website)

On my own website I didn't have any problem implementing the guestbook.
I just don't know what I can check or do to solve this problem.

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I. Danny
I. Danny
Icm Partner

After further testing, and lack of replies here Wink, I've come to the conclusion that the webserver configuration might have a big role in this issue.

When I upload the exact same project to a subfolder of the httpdocs-public folder, everything seems to work fine.

Re-uploading the project, after deleting the old website, again in the public folder the guestbook does not work.

We're waiting on a reply from the hosting provider.

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Publicado en de I. Danny
I. Danny
I. Danny
Icm Partner

OK, so.. The hosting provider is sure that the problem has something to do with the software trying to write/edit files in a folder which is higher than the folder you are uploading your website.

From what I've seen, the software creates a guestbook folder automatically.
If your public folder does not allow full access for the 'website' to create this folder, problems arise.

Whatever the case; It does not work on my own domain aswel as the customer's domain. (different hosting providers)

This is supported by the 'Website test' which says that the public folder is not set to CHMOD 777.

We cannot set a htdocs or httpdocs folder to CHMOD 777. This would bring a lot of risk to the webserver, if you could get the provider to change it (which they won't).

Is there any way to work around this or am I missing something obvious?

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Publicado en de I. Danny
Claudio N.

Hi Vincent,

Sorry for beeing so late.

The guestbook tries to create the public folder and set its permissions. If it fails, the best thing to do is connect to the server via FTP and then create the folder and set its permissions.

Trying to access to a parent folder to save the comments could cause some troubles, especially on IIS servers.

What if you set a subfolder as public folder by just typing its name? In example, if the site is uploaded in /httpdocs_public/site and you want to upload into /httpdocs_public/site/public_folder, just type public_folder in the blog's (or guestbook) settings.

Thank you!

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Publicado en de Claudio N.
Thiago B.
Thiago B.

cara preciso que me responda em meu topico, sei que não deveria estar postando aqui mas o revendedor me repassou para cá e ja fazem 4 dias que estou atrasando meu trabalho. E se eu não trabalhar não tenho como me sustentar... gostaria que você  ou alguem daqui pudesse me responder o quanto antes....

Claudio N.
Oi Vincent, Desculpem-me por beeing tão tarde. O livro tenta criar a pasta pública e definir suas permissões.Se ele falhar, a melhor coisa a fazer é se conectar ao servidor via FTP e, em seguida, criar a pasta e definir suas permissões. Tentando acesso a uma pasta pai para salvar os comentários podem causar alguns problemas, especialmente em servidores IIS. E se você definir como uma subpasta da pasta pública apenas digitando o seu nome? No exemplo, se o site é carregado em / httpdocs_public site / e você deseja fazer o upload em / httpdocs_public / site / public_folder , basta digitar public_folder no blog (ou guestbook) configurações. Obrigado!
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Publicado en de Thiago B.
I. Danny
I. Danny
Icm Partner

Hi Claudio,

Thanks for your reply.

If I do what you suggest, the URL will change aswell. This is not an option.

I can give you my FTP details if you want to check things out yourself. At the moment, the only thing I can do for our customer, is to upload the website in a subfolder and make a forwarding php-file in the root, or possibly a dual upload of the website in the root and a subfolder, linking the guestbook to the one in the subfolder..


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Publicado en de I. Danny
Claudio N.

What if you upload the sit ein the root folder but set the public folder path as relative? Just try to type the public folder's name (such public_folder) in the guestbook settings, without giving the entire path like /httpdocs_public/public_folder/

This issue is only related to the permissions settings on the server. Wink

Thank you!

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Publicado en de Claudio N.
I. Danny
I. Danny
Icm Partner

Either I don't understand what you mean, or you don't know how a webserver is configured..

The root folder IS the public folder.

In any case, I will try some more/other configurations to experiment a bit more.

I'll post the results here, if I have any Cool

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Publicado en de I. Danny
Claudio N.

If you want to save the comments in the root folder, just leave the path empty. Wink

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Publicado en de Claudio N.
I. Danny
I. Danny
Icm Partner


I just found out that the guestbook is working fine via a Firefox browser, but does not work when using Internet Explorer 9.

This might have been the problem all along.

Can you confirm an issue with the widget's and Internet Explorer 9?

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Publicado en de I. Danny
Claudio N.

Hi Vincent,

No issues were reported with IE9. Could it be caused by a cached javascript file? Which error is actually shown by IE?

I know it could sound silly, but have you tried to press CTRL+F5 to refresh the page?

Thank you!

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Publicado en de Claudio N.
I. Danny
I. Danny
Icm Partner

I am now convinced that it was a user-problem.

I simply started from scratch and had no problem with the comments in the guestbook.

After the customer/user uploaded the website again, it didn't work.. meaning they are doing something wrong.

I'll go ahead and close this post. Thanks for your replies Claudio!

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Publicado en de I. Danny