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Andrey Z.
Andrey Z.

Starting problems  en

Autor: Andrey Z.
Visitado 1153, Followers 1, Compartido 18  

Dear sirs, I have a problem with starting of a project: when I'm trying to start a new project there is a window "Creating project files..." that doesn't hide, so I can't start working. It appeares in both Demo and Free Versions. I don't know what to do. I've installed IE8 and the latest version of WS X5 9. Could you help me?

Thank you in advance!

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Samantha M.

Hi Andrey!
I can not see your licence in your control panel. Can you please give me their product code/licence key so that I may help?
I have now turnerd your post into private therefore only me and you will be able to read it from now onwards.

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Publicado en de Samantha M.
Andrey Z.
Andrey Z.

Hi, Samantha!

I tried to use Demo and Free versions. Where can I get the code/key?

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Publicado en de Andrey Z.
Andrey Z.
Andrey Z.


Today I've tried Demo on another computer with Windows Vista installed, and everything was Ok. So, I guess that the problem is in my computer (with Windows XP). I don't know what exactly is incorrect, so ask you to help me. Thanks!

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Publicado en de Andrey Z.
Andrey Z.
Andrey Z.

Hello, Samantha!

I've solved the problem. It was in MS dotNet version. I've installed 3.5 and everything became Ok.

Thank you for help!

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Publicado en de Andrey Z.
Samantha M.

Hi Andrey! I'm sorry for not answering before, I have been out of the office. I'm very glad to know that the issue has been solve, well done! Thank you for updating me! Please feel free to open a new post in the future if you have any futher questions or doubts.

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Publicado en de Samantha M.