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Andre E
Andre E

Copy one standard text box to almost all other pages  en

Autor: Andre E
Visitado 4919, Followers 4, Compartido 0  


THX for a great program, it takes a lot of time away from programming yourself Smile

I have a suggestion and hope you can find a way to incorporate, lets start with the issue

I see on the internet a lot of pages with boxes on the side with information that is copied to all the pages.I had this also but stopt it because it was too much work.

just some examples:

The side panels are used for multiple reasons like: the weather, sponsors, news items, new product for store or special offerings, latest updates, a box with links, well you get the idea i think....

Using this in X5 is easy, you create a box and copy it to all other pages. But then you have to edit something, then you start with the home page edit the box and copy it to all your next pages.

There is a big disadvantage, if you have 5 pages no problem but 30 or more and then every update, some even weakly, makes it a job where you start thinking this is not the way.

Can you look into this? It would be very helpful and a GREAT ASSET to the program if you only have to change 1 page and all the others take over the information from that page.

Something like this maybe:

you give the master box (where you want the text or whatever to be copied to other pages) a name and set on the other pages an emty box with the command to use the text from the name you gave to the master box.This way you see on page 2 an empty box with maybe the name it like data from homepage. You can this to all the rest of your pages, and during compiling the programs copies the boxes for you .......

Or maybe some other solution that might be helpful....

see also more requests i have run into:

Thanks for you time to take this into account.

Publicado en
Claudio D.

Hello Andre,

Thank you very much for your suggestion. Our developers will take in consideration your suggestion for the future releases of WebSite X5.

At the moment you could make an invisible page with no layout where you add the sidebar elements and then you add to the pages an iframe where you load the content of this hidden page so that you need to udpate only the hidden page and the updated content is visible in all pages automatically.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Bauyrzhan O.
Bauyrzhan O.

Claudio, could you please explain more detailed with example of html code?

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Publicado en de Bauyrzhan O.
Andre E
Andre E


Here we go, (i think this is what Claudio means)

Create a page, lets say 'newsitems', and set it hidden in the page menu:

After setting it to hidden goto the page/level properties, (button on the right)

set in Graphic tab 'Create the page without the template'

goto expert tab remove 'add this page to sitemap'.

( i made no picture for this)

Now you can put your text in this page that you want on several pages.

To get them on several pages: (in my example page6) then Goto page6 and

Create a HTML and Widgets box on the space you want the text that you put inside the 'newsitems" page, Put the code that is below in this box:

<IFRAME SRC="newsitems.html" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=150 SCROLLING=NO frameborder="0"> </IFRAME>

Thats it. goto home on the sitemap and preview and goto page6 you should see the text that is in 'newsitems' in the box you made on page 6

fine tuning:

In the widget code:

you can change width, height or the scrolling option manually.

In the page itself (in this example newsitems)

You can set a background or any thing else to make your box with text fit the rest of your page by adjusting the 'cell style' and choose there wath you like to change.

Watchout for:

If you name your page different (so not newsitems) but something else you choose you need to adjust that name also in the code of the widget page(s).



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Publicado en de Andre E
Little-key .
Little-key .

Du kannst ja deutsch.

Oje, wenn Du hilfst, solltest/must Du HTML noch viel lernen.

1. Der Frame Code ist nicht richtig.

2. Wenn nur eine Seite und nur der Inhalt, dann per Include einbinden. Frame ist OUTWink

3. Wenn frame sein muss, dann den absoluten Pfad nehmen, da die Seite meist woanders liegt.

Sonst macht iframe kaum Sinn.

Corrected code:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" style="width:150px; height:150px; overflow:auto;" name="Name from Frame">
<p>Unfortunately their browser can indicate no embedded frames. They can call up  the embedded side here:
<a href="http://www.domain.tld/newsitems.html">Name from Frame</a>

OK? Wink

Frameborder wird in HTML5 auch nicht mehr unterstützt.

Aber versuch das mal, Du wirst einen Schreck bekommen, besser (better):

<?php include("newsitems.html"); ?>

und Seite auf PHP stellen. Du willst ja nur den Content.

siehe ähnlich hier:

Übersetzen kannst Du ja nun alles.
Das Menü wird noch zum Verhängnis.

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Gerrit D.
Gerrit D.

Youguys Rock big time, thanks for the advice, my problem is solved.

Many thanks


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Publicado en de Gerrit D.
aysen seyed
aysen seyed
Little-key .
Du kannst ja deutsch. Oje, wenn Du hilfst, solltest/must Du HTML noch viel lernen. 1. Der Frame Code ist nicht richtig. 2. Wenn nur eine Seite und nur der Inhalt, dann per Include einbinden. Frame ist OUT.  3. Wenn frame sein muss, dann den absoluten Pfad nehmen, da die Seite meist woanders liegt. Sonst macht iframe kaum Sinn. Corrected code: <iframe src="" frameborder="0" style="width:150px; height:150px; overflow:auto;" name="Name from Frame"> <p>Unfortunately their browser can indicate no embedded frames. They can call up  the embedded side here: <a href="http://www.domain.tld/newsitems.html">Name from Frame</a> </p> </iframe> OK? Frameborder wird in HTML5 auch nicht mehr unterstützt. Aber versuch das mal, Du wirst einen Schreck bekommen, besser (better): <?php include("newsitems.html"); ?> und Seite auf PHP stellen. Du willst ja nur den Content. siehe ähnlich hier: Übersetzen kannst Du ja nun alles. Das Menü wird noch zum Verhängnis.

please , translate that in english,i like to know about it,thank you.

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Publicado en de aysen seyed
Andre E
Andre E

Aysen did you try to follow my post? its V9 nine but the basic is the same.

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Publicado en de Andre E
aysen seyed
aysen seyed

[quote="Andre E"]

hi Andre, I read your post and try that , it works well , but when i try that , just come the text ,i need text with linked pages to that text ,it means when i click on that text , the related link would open for me,in your post just appear the text and i cannot open any link to that text.

for example , in site,at bottom of site at right, there is LATEST BLOG POST , i need exactly like that in my site,i need photos with linked pages in my site.

please help me , it is necessary for my site.

Note:i looked for in internet also,i found wordpress,if i install that in my host,will this problem  solve? i can use word press with website x5 together?


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Publicado en de aysen seyed
Claudio D.

Hello Aysen,

The way that Andre explained works also with links in the page. You can also embed worpress pages but the best solution is to use a page without layout or if you want to add one then you need to make it according to the size of the iframe you use.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
aysen seyed
aysen seyed

thank you , claudio D , I will try that.

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Publicado en de aysen seyed
aysen seyed
aysen seyed

[/quote] i did the Andre E 's solution again,it worked,thank you Andre and claudio D.i finally found it .Smile

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Publicado en de aysen seyed