Audio Files Repeat 
Autor: Zeeba P.
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My audio files repeat. How can I make sure that they only play once? I have inserted the audio widget on my page. The mp3 plays fine except when the song comes to the end, it automatically repeats. This has nothing to do with the autoplay. I saw the recent post by Roeland H and the answer but could not understand the answer. Have a problem after copying the HTML5 code, does not work.
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Hello Zeeba,
The Audio/Video object is automatically configured to loop the files you add.
You can edit the code in the exported project by changing in the Object following code:
loop: "true" with loop: "false" and so it will play only once.
If you want to add a custom player please post me the link with the post you mean and tell me what is your difficulty.
Many thanks!
We cannot find the place where we can change the code. We only see two screens under "Video/Audio Object" one is the sitemap and the other is general. Where exactly can we see the code in order to change it.
We are using the video/audio object provided by Website X5.
Hello Zeeba,
To modify the player you need to "Export the website to disk" in step 5 and then open the page in which you have the player with notepad and then search the player code that starts with "<scripttype="text/javascript">var flashvars =" and when you find the parameter loop: "true" you need to change it to false.
If you require any further information, please feel free to write back.
Thank you, this was very helpful, however, once we change the codes to false, how do we incorporate this back into the actual Website X5 Program?
Hello Zeeba,
You need to change the code when you finished the project and you want to export it because this change cannot be imported. You can alternatively use an custom player code with the HTML&Widget Object like the one you wrote at the begin. I can ell you where to put the code if you show it to me.
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
I do not want to use a custom player. I want the player on Website X5 to have an option of loop or no loop. I changed the loop to "false". Now i want to upload through FTP on the website since i cannot import back into x5. which file do i replace when i upload the modified file? can you please give me complete answers and not just a sentence. thank you.
Hello Zeeba,
You can try following procedure to make it probably easier for you: You conitnue the project until it's ready to be exported and then you use WebSite X5 to export it without changing the player statement to false. Once the Project has been exported you connect to the FTP adress of your webhosting space with an ftp client like filezilla and then you open the page with the custom editor (right click on the file) which probably will be Notepad and then you change the statementer from true to false. In this way you change the file once exported and it's should be easier. Remember that if you make some changes to this file or you export the whole content of the project you need to change the statement from true to false again but if you do it once it's online it will be easier and fast,
Please feel free to write back if you need more information.
Hello Claudio,
We used Notepad++ to convert the html file to css. we then went into filezilla and replace the music.css file with the corrected file (music.css). We uploaded the file using the ftp. All the loop says "false" in the uploaded file. We went back to the website and it still loops. We rechecked the file through filezilla, it says "false" but it is still on repeat. What else could be the problem?
Hello Zeeba,
You don't need to edit in the css file but in the html file where the player is.
Can you please post the link to your website so I can check it?
Many thanks!
Hello Zeeba,
After you exported the project you need to login to the ftp adress with an ftp client like filezilla and then open the music.html file and change the loop status from true to false.
In the picture in attachment you find the position of the loop function code.
hope this helps.
I do have the same problem. I want my audio files to play only once.
Your suggestion to change the loop value from "true" to "false" doesn't work. I changed the corresponding html file ("audio-cd-s.html") , see
I use the latest firefox, reloaded the page and deleted the cache after the change. That didn't help either.
What do you suggest?
Best regards
Hello Michael,
I noticed the same behaviour. I will inform the developers about it. In the meanwhile if you want to not have the loop function I would suggest to use thirdparty players also in HTML5 so that it will work on mobile devices by adding the code of these players in the HTML&Widget Object in step 3.
If you require any further information, please feel free to write back.