Translation into Czech 
Autor: Jiří Russ
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Dear I found a report on the issue NEW Version 10 of WebSite X5. If you're interested, I'd like to again offered cooperation in the translation of this program into the Czech language. This program is popular in the Czech Republic and Czech localization for him will definitely be more interested. Unfortunately, the legacy of which is on your website, the demo version, I can not download it. If you are interested in translation, I would like for him as before, obtained a license for free. I look forward to your response. Translation into Czech
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Hello Jiří,
thanks for your message. Actually we are completing the CZ localization that will be available soon! I'll keep your contact if we should need more translation
Thanks, Steve.
Dear, thank you for the quick reply. But the attachment you are offering for download can't unzip the archive error, it says.
Sorry, I removed it just because I realized that the translation was already completed.
I can confirm you that we just uploaded the translated setup you can download from your Profile page here on Answers.
Dear, can you tell me if it's not a secret, who is the author of the Czech translation of? This program, I began to translate into the Czech language, and at the same time about my translation was not interested. I don't know why? It was so bad?
Sure, it is not a problem.
We have a CZ partner that resell the software, so he is managing the translation for us. Here is the link
Feel free to contact me for further info
Thank you for the quick reply. It's just that their translation into the Czech language exhibits traits of my translation, which I have for you once did. Well I'm not going to deal with it. So I guess I don't have to count with a free licení to the new version?
No, I'm sorry but it's not possible for this version. I may suggest you to contact our partner just to know if they need some help in translating the help file.
Thanks, Steve