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Dave E.
Dave E.

Mobile site help  en

Autor: Dave E.
Visitado 3116, Followers 3, Compartido 0  

I am creating a "normal" website, plus I want to create a webpage that is compatible with mobile devices. Do I have to create 2 sites using a "mobile template" design for the second site, or Is there a way to duplicate the site, but have different templates for each? Hope this makes sense to someone?? Dave

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Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Dave,

You don't have to do a thing, actually.  Version 10 of Website X5 is very smart in this regard, and will create a compatible design for you automatically, which will look good and function well on desktops and mobile devices alike.

The only thing you need to pay close attention to is your file format for any multimedia files.  Due to incompatibilities amongst the various tablets and smartphones, etc, it's best to opt for MP4

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Publicado en de Paul M.
Dave E.
Dave E.


Thanks for the quick response.  Understand what you are saying but if thats the case why have they got "mobile" templates available??


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Publicado en de Dave E.
Paul M.
Paul M.

That's a good question, and one I can't give you an informed answer to.  Maybe someone else will chip in.

As far as I'm aware all of the preset templates are designed for a 1024 x 768 pixel display, including those marked as mobile templates.  The HTML5 code and CSS that Website X5 produces takes care of any rendering issues and differences between fixed and mobile devices.

You can optimise your project for a particular resolution of your choice, but in that case you would need to create a custom template.

Maybe Incomedia felt that the design of the 'mobile' templates was more suited to a handheld display?  I'm not sure...  but what I do know is that you could just as easily pick a 'mobile' template and use it for a project aimed at desktop users if you so wished.  There would be absolutely no technical problems in doing so.

This is one of the many great features of X5.

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Publicado en de Paul M.
Dave E.
Dave E.

Thanl yo very much for taking the time to reply.


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Publicado en de Dave E.
Dave E.
Dave E.

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply.


(Must have had a senior moment with the spelling).

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Publicado en de Dave E.
Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson

I created a second website. I use v9 which isn't responsive and I believe v10 isn't either it is only adapts to mobile devices. So I set up a second template, slightly less features and larger menus. I have it in a m. Sub domain which redirects from my main site.  I have loaded my sites on at and if you want a look.

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Publicado en de Steven Anderson
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Pardon my ignorance Steven - but what technique did you use to automatically redirect to the subdomain if the device is mobile?

BTW - the mobile site looks great!

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson

I used the scipt


if ("skipmobile") >= 0) {   [removed] = "skipmobile=1";   }   

else if ((document.location.hostname.match(/\.mobi$/) || screen.width < 850)   && [removed].indexOf("skipmobile") == -1)   {   document.location = "";   }


which i put in the head of the website

I also put in

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/dpccicon.png"/>

which also goes in the website HEAD and allows someone to add a iphone looking app pic to their iphone home screen if they add the website to the homescreen of their iphone

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Publicado en de Steven Anderson
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Thanks Steven - I'll try it Much appreciated!

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Publicado en de Esahc ..