Società Scientifica Italiana di Progettazione Meccanica e Costruzione di Macchine - AIAS-ETS 
Auteur : Nicola B.
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AIAS-ETS opera in ambito universitario, nell'area culturale della “Progettazione meccanica e Costruzione di macchine”, con lo scopo di promuovere la ricerca scientifica e la didattica e di definire e mettere in atto ogni possibile strategia di sviluppo in favore di docenti, gruppi e sedi universitarie italiane che si riconoscano in tale area culturale.

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schau mal bei Copyright (Copyright © 2018 AIAS | Privacy | Informazioni sui cookies) 2018 ?
Sonst ist die Seite echt ansprechend gemacht. 4 Points.
Good Job.
Excellent site, I can not. Everything works well, easy loading, nice design
Thanks! trying to build up few improvements
. Did you experienced any problem with text translation?
Nice site congratulations!
5 star website, is it possible I could get template for this site
Hi Nicola,
very nice website, as mentioned previously easy loading, nice design. Translation works just as every translator, some of the languages are more difficult to translate. What I actually realize was on the picture. When I wanna translate it to Slovak language I cannot get there easy - it was just by guessing :-) There are 3 columns with languages and the third column is hard to get there. Maybe if You could shift it little bit to the left, but this is just guessing.
I m giving 5*.
Have a good one.
Gran bel sito