Import from V9 to V10 
Auteur : Josef G.
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Hi I just install V10 upgrade. I import a vertion 9 project and it is look like the templet file has not been imported the resuly is that the web site looks like a dog breakfast. Any solution
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Most templates are in V10, but some old ones are not any more.
You can read how to handle in convertion pdf from Incomedia.
If you want to keep the old one, then you need to create a custum template with the settings and pictures of your V9 template.
So it;s possible to convert but it will take some doing....
In v10;
Open your project,, choose custom template, Choose the same menu you had (hor or vert) now you need to select the complete template peace by peace from v9
To do this: choose a page selection, for example page background, choose the image option, goto c:\program files\websitex5 v9 - evolution\templates\ and then the correct name chapter of the v9 template \ yes and now .. ?
Did you have a hor or vert menu ? choose hor or vert ! now you see 4 coded maps, these are the 4 colours, goto the first check out if this is the right one if not check the other untill you find the right colour scheme. (mark that code / map on a paper, you need it again for the other options)
Now use all the graphics in the correct custum template options.
bg = background
content = page contents, you need to use the option vertical repeat on that one.
continue to add them all then see if some adjustements are needed. (like widt on the header / heigt, but also see that repeat and alignement are the same as v9.
You can open V9 and V10 them both at the same time so it easyer to create and copy settings.
I hope this helps you on your way, if not let me know where you need any assistance.
Best regards