Restricted video content 
Auteur : Soulx E.Hi Team
I use youtube/vimeo to upload video content and I use X5 Evo10 (just upgraded to Pro10) and was wondering if it is possible to setup access management for users to view restricted video that I would have uploaded on my own hosting.
At the moment, my video URL's included in X5 galleries or video objects use Youtube/Vimeo links and these need to be public (users can just visit the channel to view the other videos I have available) but I was looking to setup user access to 'access exclusive video content' but trying to find a way I could have the videos played but not through youtube or vimeo.
Will X5 produce a player on the page if I use the URL of a video file uploaded to my own hosting instead of youtube/vimeo? Is there any development in this area being made as I'm sure the last time I tried this it didn't play properly (.mp4 .wmv formats) or loaded a windows media player to play it? or a corrupt quicktime?
An example is - lots of video content but im looking to use access management to let registered users access 'exclusive' videos. Any guidance on how to pull this off?
Best regards,
SoulX E.
Hello SoulX,
If you set up a private page where users have only access after the login and there you add the audio video object in which you add the video files from your computer, the program will generate the code to show the video in the page from your hosting.
About the issue you experienced about the videos it can depend on the format used since the program generates HTML5 Code to play videos. The codec to be used to work correctly on all browsers are:
Many thanks!
Yes you can do this.
I tried both *.mp4 (works) *.wmv (does not work)
Create a new page and title it something like “Video Downloads”
Set the page to “Hidden Page in the Menu” under Sitemap Creation
Setup with 7 Columns and 7 Rows (in my example below – Row 1 Columns 1-2 for Date & Time Row and columns 3-7 for download link) you can increase the number of rows as your number of videos increase).
In row 2 column 1to2: Add a text box and type in Date & Time or whatever you wish to title this colum.
In row 2 column 3to7: Add a text box and type in the name of the file for download, could be a title or as per my example below. Now you need to highlight this text and select the insert link button and under the "action tab" select file or url. Under local file on pc select the video you wish to share. I also choose to open in a new window, although that is your choice. Now select the "Description" Tab and type something like "click here to download the video"
Now go to Advanced Settings and select “Access Management”
Create a “New Group” and title it “Video Downloads”
Now add “New User”
For testing purposes use default “NewUser1”,
Set First and Last Name: NewUser1
Username: NewUser1
Password: NewUser1
E-mail Address: Not Necessary
Now go back to “Sitemap Creation” and click set the page as a “Locked Page”
In the settings window ensure box at top of page “Set this Page as Locked” has a tick in it.
Now add a tick to the “Video Downloads” and the Users you wish to let access this page.
Now create a new page and title it “Private Area” – Same again I use the 7x7 column / row setup
Row 1 - Add a Text Box (7 Columns Wide) and add text similar to (You can use whatever text you want!)
“This page is for invited guests only.
The data contained within the private area is sensitive and strictly confidential!
Access to the private area is for authorised users only, by accessing this area you agree to the terms and conditions of this website, which are detailed in full on the "TERMS & CONDITIONS" page of this website.
If you are not in agreement with the "TERMS & CONDITONS" of this website, you should not access the private area.
If you have been provided with login credentials, please enter them here to gain access to the restricted area.”
Row 2 – Add an HTML and Widgets Box (3 Columns Wide and use Columns 3-5)
Double click the “HTML and Widgets Box” and then double click the Private Area “Login” button. This will open a window, where you can customise the login boxes / text etc. Once finished with customisation click OK! It will now insert a code into the page.
At this stage you should have your logon page in your menu.
You can now upload your site to hosting server and test whether your private page works.
If it is working you can share more links / videos and as users as and when you please.
Hope this helps?
thank you guys,
Both really good answers and thanks especially for the detailed guide in the 2nd response.
It appears that instead of dealing with the troublesome playback issues raised in letting x5 create a player to play my file and the associated formatting/rendering specs, I have discovered YouTube privacy settings allows me to 'unlist' videos which removes them from search and channel listings but is only available to users who know the link. So for anyone else looking to do this that may be the easiest option I've found, rather than using youtube privacy settings to set videos as 'private', set them as 'unlisted'.
Only drawback will be if one of the registered users gives out the link to someone on the web who hasn't registered for the 'exclusive' content.