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A S.
A S.

WX5 pro 11 problem displaying video in firefox  en

Auteur : A S.
Visité 2957, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Two days ago I upgraded to pro 11., and I tried directly the new possiblitity to display videos in my website for different Browsers. Till than, I used two different javascripts or html scripts to show my video in Tablets and Iphone and at a websitefield below, I put some script to show the same video for PC. This was for sure not a pricewinning sollution, because in all browsers, you could always see one of both scripts not working. So I decided to buy pro 11, and put al possible video-extensions as an alternative in the according field. In all browsers(explorer, safari, netscape, tablet en iphone), accept for the firefox (I use 32.0.3), the video (just about 16 mb) is displayed well. Also I tried to change the order of the different video extensions in websitex5. Nothing helps and in Firefox the videos stayed in the Buffering-mode). In Firefox, I also use shockwave flash plugin, quicktime plugin, VLC web plugin, no flashblockers or ad blockers. My used extensions are, mp4, ogg, ogv, flv, mov, webm, avi, mpeg but I know that this is much more than I should use. Also I know that Website X5 does not support swf but I tried that also. Oh onemore thing. I tried two differnt types of flv, the streamversion and the normal version. Both does not work.

So my question is; Who knows what is going wrong.

see screenshot

Posté le
A S.
A S.


I solved the problem by myself. After a few hours on searching the internet I found this:


No Video with Supported Format and Mime Type Found | Firefox OGG WebM

Firefox fails to display HTML 5 OGG and WebM video formats on the page and displays the error – “No Video with Supported Format and Mime Type Found

The issue is that the web server doesn’t quite know what to think of these formats and serves them out in the wrong type of format which the browser doesn’t understand. What you need to do is add the correct file types of OGG and WebM for video to the Web Server for those file extensions. MP4 will be Ok as that fomat is more widely adopted.

Apache WebServer To fix this issue on Apache you need to add the following content to the ‘.htaccess‘ file which is found in your document root (public_html or htdocs). As it starts with a ‘.’ it is invisible to some browsing apps make sure you have a ‘show invisible files’ settings enabled.


Just paste this at the very head of the .htaccess file and save:

AddType video/mp4 mp4 m4v
AddType audio/mp4 m4a
AddType video/ogg ogv
AddType audio/ogg ogg oga
AddType video/webm webm

That did the Job.

I hope that everyone knows about the htaccess file, so otherwise do some homework like I do on the internet.


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Posté le de A S.
Andre E
Andre E


Thanks for the feedback !

BR André

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Posté le de Andre E