Swf File 
Auteur : Zoran S.
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I have thelastthreeversions.Myswfbanneronly works onver9, soyou can helpmeto work andtover10and ver11thURLof my siteis:www.dj-zoki.com
thanks a lot.
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Hello Zoran,
Is this issue confined to the preview within WebSite X5?
There was a change to the internal preview browser from version 10 onwards. Since then you will need to install the Flash plugin within the preview browser itself if you wish to view Flash files. Open the preview browser in X5 and visit the following link:
You may get a message that the plugin is already installed, but ignore that and install again anyway, then close the preview.
Reload your project and check if the Flash banner is now visible.
Alternatively you can use the 'Preview within another browser' feature as shown in the attached screenshot (look at the top-right of the picture). But no matter what method you choose, Flash plugin must be installed in the browser you use.
If the issue is not confined solely to the preview then can you post a link to where the v10/11 version can be viewed online?
Kind regards,
Iupdatedpagetolink:http://www.dj-zoki.com/djzoki_ver11/thatdoes not showswfbanner and that does not show in the X5 ver11 too.
Kind regards,
Zoran S.
Hello Zoran,
The SWF file is not present on the server for some reason in the v11 project. Compare these two URLS:
Can you try deleting the Flash banner in the v11 project, and then adding it again to see if it then works correctly.
Was your v11 project imported from a previous version 9? If so, and the import was not successful in this case, then I will log this for Incomedia's attention for further investigation.
Kind regards,
Hello Paul,
I havea pageDJzokimadeinver9.Later Iworkedanotherthreesites, butthey have noflash bannerbutthey workwell.Because thebannerwedid not workinver10never usedver10, onlyver9.I thoughtit may workinver11.
Kind regards,
Hello Zoran,
Now the banner on http://www.dj-zoki.com/djzoki_ver11/ appears. Did you change anything or you uploaded the project again online?
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
Yes, I put a banner in the folder. Online works, but in website5 does not work, says it needs a new version of the Flash player. I did it and does not work.
Kind regards,
Hello Zoran,
Thiss happens because you don't have the flash plugin for the preview browser.
Follow the steps paul wrote you at the begin to install the flash player plugin in the preview browser and then it will appear:
Many thanks!