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Bozzer J.
Bozzer J.

Problème d'exportation vers website  fr

Auteur : Bozzer J.
Visité 2231, Followers 1, Partagé 0  


Lorsque je veux exporter mon travail sur mon site, je voudrais choisir la méthode "uniquement les fichiers modifiés depuis la dernière exportation du X/Y/Z .... le problème est que cette date X/Y/Z, que votre logiciel affiche,est verrouillé sur une très vieille date et j'ai beau faire d'inombrables sauvegardes complètes récentes c'est toujours cette vieille date qui m'est proposée ... Du coup c'est chaque fois l'entiereté du site qui s'exporte et cela devient franchement ennuyant!!

Posté le
Claudio D.

Hello Bozzers,

Is the URL of the website you entered in step 1 correct and and the destination path in step 5 too?

When was the last time you made a complete export of the project?

Many thanks!

***** Google Translation:


Est l'URLdu siteque vous avez entréà l'étape 1etcorrect etle chemin de destinationà l'étape5trop?

À quand remonte ladernière fois quevous avez fait uneexportation complètedu projet?

Merci beaucoup!

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Posté le de Claudio D.
Bozzer J.
Bozzer J.


Posso parlare italiano se volete

- Yes URL is correct because my project is perfetly saved on may website and accessible by browser

- i made many complete export and my last yesterday

I have just opened my projext in websiteX5 and look at the date!: 26-10-2013

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Posté le de Bozzer J.
Claudio D.

Hello Bozzer J,

Try to add as destination folder JCRF/ instead of /JCRF and then make an export. Once done save the project and then close it and then open it again and make a small change in it and go to the export option again and then check if it shows the correct date.

Please keep me updated.

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Posté le de Claudio D.
Bozzer J.
Bozzer J.

I tried what you ask me but the date is always the same .... question : is it due at my export is not totaly complete because the lastest file to export is too big for my provider space and report "error"? 

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Posté le de Bozzer J.
Claudio D.

Hello Bozzer J,

It can probably depend on this since the upload is not completed and the export is not registered as complete.

You need to complete the export so it will registered as last complete export.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.