Responsive design 
Auteur : W. L.
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Starting April 21 2015, Google will be expanding the use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.
Google made a post about this already on Thursday, February 26, 2015 (see
Why is Website X5 still not able to support responsive designs? And when will it be able to do so?
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Hi W.L.
thank you for contacting us. Please have a look at the post we have added here
I hope this helps,
Dear Samantha,
Unfortunately that did not help much.
Google announced to include responsive mobile design as an important ranking factor as of April 21st. What we need to realize is that all what Google does with this update is reflecting the importance of mobile design. More and more people nowadays are using their mobile phones and tablets to access the web. This did not start on April 21st, 2015. This is something that has been going on for quite some time already, way before that date.
Support of responsive design therefore is not a necessity of the last couple of weeks. Even the free wordpress platform is supporting it already for many months.
Here is what I do not understand of Incomedia: why are they so slow at picking up on this? Even now, after the Google ranking update, they are still not able to support responsive design.
What I find startling is your responsive to a question asked by Christopher (see the post you referenced) about future availability: that "we will just have to wait and see" as you "cannot confirm that they are going to add responsive web design though".
Mobile users are not a trend anymore; they are a fact, and an important one. And Incomedia is even today not able to say if and/or when they will update their platform to include responsive design?
Hello W.L.,
thank you for your answer. I perfectly understand your point of view, but unfortunately I can not give you any further information about this because I do not have any.
The Incomedia Technical staff is very happy to help you with any question you have about WebSite X5, but unfortunately we do not know what our developers are working on at the moment therefore we can not tell if a function will be added or not.
I'm sure that all our users will be warned as soon as Incomedia will add and launch new functions into WebSite X5.
Thank you for understanding,